Mugambo ft. Bony Mwaitege Lyrics
- Genre:Afrobeats
- Year of Release:2021
Mugambo ft. Bony Mwaitege - Goodluck Gozbert

(Sung in Swahili)
Mungu amenipa kutembea, hatua mbele
(God has given me a step ahead)
Eh kama mugambo, hatua mbele
(Like a ranger, a step forward)(Repeat)
Sadaka gani mimi nitoe? (What offering should I give)
Ona favour amenipa favour (Oh, look at the favor, He has granted me favor)
Cheko gani mimi nicheke? (What laughter should I laugh?)
Ona happy moyo uko happy (Look at my happiness, my heart is joyful)
Ameweka ujasiri wa ki afande (He has put courage like an officer’s in my heart)
Oh siogopi, vita twende (Oh, I am not afraid, I am ready for battle)
Ameweka ujasiri acha nitambe (He has placed courage in my heart, let me dance)
Oh siogopi, weka twende (I am not afraid, let us go)
Yaani hapana dori, dori di — Mambo waka (There are no worries, things are great)
Nimevikwa na koti, koti ti, mambo super (I have been dressed with a coat, things are great)
Machozi yalinitoka, yalinitoka, yalinitoka (Tears rand down my face)
Mtesi alinitesa, alinitesa, alinitesa(The tormentor tormented me)
Nikifuta kushoto, hata kulia ya moto(If I clear the left, even the right is on fire)
Yaani kama mtoto, amefunika matoto(Like to a child, he has covered His child)
Oluwafemi (For God loves me) — in Yoruba
Hatua mbele (A step forwards) x?
Oga, oga, Baba (Father) I thank You
Umefanya ma (You have done)marvelous thing Lord I thank You
Oga oga, Jesus I thank You
Unenipa mihuri ya heshima, oh Baba(Father, You have given me stamps of respect)
Tena sio sifuri, nina majina majina (I have many names)
Siku hizi boss, ah mheshimiwa(These days I am a boss – the honorable)
Ametoa kibali, huku ni mambo sawa(He has brought me from far, all is fine here)
Siandamwi madeni, ameniponya Bwana (I do not owe anyone, the Lord has healed me)
Ni Yesu amefanya, sasa wasiwasi wa nini? (It is Jesus who has made me, what is there to fear?)
Na Mungu akitenda unabakia kileleni(When the Lord does it for you, you remain at the top)
Oga, oga, Baba I thank You
Umefanya ma (You have done)marvelous thing Lord I thank You
Oga oga, Jesus I thank You
Unenipa mihuri ya heshima, oh Baba(Father, You have given me stamps of respect)
Neno linasogea, kama mgambo (The Word is moving, like a ranger)
Mgambo hawajali, hali ya hewa (A ranger cares not for the weather)
Hata kama mvua hatua mbele (Even through the rain, a step forward)
Mgambo hawajali, huendelea(Rangers do not care, they keep moving)
Kama (like a ) commando, commando comma– x4