- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2023
You say, everyone in America is going to vote for you, how are you going to secure the Latino vote?
Because from where I'm standing right now, Mister Fawcette, the polls are not in your Favor, especially after that…"Chinese woman driving" charade you just done
I know how I'm gonna secure the Latino vote
I'm gonna stop threatening to send their ass back on the boat
Back to where they came from, and give them a small sliver of hope
And they're gonna celebrate and say that Fawcette is the G.O.A.T so
I know how I'm gonna secure the Latino vote
I'm gonna stop threatening to send their ass back on the boat
Back to where they came from, and give them a small sliver of hope
And they're gonna celebrate and say that Fawcette is the G.O.A.T so
Yo tengo un mensaje para todos mis votantes
No has visto este tipo de presidente antes (hola)
Quien es muy considerado y conoces su palabras
Mientras que el resto de oponentes necesitan relabras
And even when they figure out what to say, they stutter
Like a babbling baby, they should go back to their mother
Like how southerners want you to just go back to your country
But I'll tell you this right now, you should just shut up you fucking honkey
Who else is gonna cut our hair, grow our crops and make our food?
I know it's not gonna be me, I am not in the mood
To hop on a big green tractor like my name is Jason Aldean
And slave away in the fields, if you know what I mean
So I'll let Ricardo and Eduardo stay in Colorado
And give them a work visa and a brand new Silverado
So they can drive to the fields and work with a shit-eating grin
Cuz to them, making seven twenty five an hour's a win, ha!
('Cause I mean, it just feels right to have them work the fields, you know?
They already want to work hard and they're already brown, the dirt's brown
It's almost like they were just, made for this kind of work
It's almost like match made in heaven)
I know how I'm gonna secure the Latino vote
I'm gonna stop threatening to send their ass back on the boat
Back to where they came from, and give them a small sliver of hope
And they're gonna celebrate and say that Fawcette is the G.O.A.T so
I know how I'm gonna secure the Latino vote
I'm gonna stop threatening to send their ass back on the boat
Back to where they came from, and give them a small sliver of hope
And they're gonna celebrate and say that Fawcette is the G.O.A.T so
I'm sorry if that last verse got you just a little tense
But those are the things Liberals say behind their white picket fence
They'll stab you in the back but smile right to your faces
All because their biggest fear is being called racist
Now I really know how I'll get the Latino vote
For one, I'll stop threatening beaners to send them on the boat
By a White man with a gun wearing an immigration blazer
All because I want to fearmonger for my next fundraiser
What kind of fucking sicko does that kind of stuff to a person?
Personally I think that kind of behavior is worse than
Blatantly saying you're not welcome here and kicking them out
Of the town because at least I know what the fuck you're about
So I implore you this November when you go out and vote
To not vote like a sheep and instead vote for a goat
That'll chew out his opponents just like a field full of grass
Or else they'll take you to the border and just kick out your ass
(This is not a message of hate, this is just a warning. They will kick you out
The day you rebel against them and stop giving them money. They're just
Allowing you to live here because you keep giving them votes and money, you idiots)
I know how I'm gonna secure the Latino vote
I'm gonna stop threatening to send their ass back on the boat
Back to where they came from, and give them a small sliver of hope
And they're gonna celebrate and say that Fawcette is the G.O.A.T so
I know how I'm gonna secure the Latino vote
I'm gonna stop threatening to send their ass back on the boat
Back to where they came from, and give them a small sliver of hope
And they're gonna celebrate and say that Fawcette is the G.O.A.T so
You know, there's a special place in hell for people that use latinos for money, and their Votes
It's like, the bottom boiler of hell
Bro, if you're here legally, you can't get kicked out so stop having them boss you around
Oh! White man gon' get ya! White man gon' get ya! Shut the fuck up!
Fucking, idiot!