Skunk Ape Lyrics
- Genre:Alternative
- Year of Release:2023
I first heard of the skunk ape when I was barely nine years old
Uncle Roy had seen one and said it made his blood run cold
He'd been out hunting squirrels when he heard a haunting high- pitched call
And then he turned and saw it ten feet away and standing eight feet tall
Roy stood still as an oak afraid to move, afraid to flee,
But finally ran for his life and breathlessly confessed to me
I saw the skunk ape, a reddish matted mass of hair
I smelled the skunk ape and couldn't wait to get out of there
I heard the skunk ape, his high-pitched wail froze me in place
I fled the skunk ape but I'll never forget his gruesome face
That night I lay awake in bed I couldn't even sleep a wink
I kept imagining the creature; its' cry, its' fur, its' awful stink
Every shadow frightened me, every object on the shelf
But I knew I had to face my fear, I had to see this thing myself
I had to see the skunk ape, to wrap my brain around it all
I had to hear the skunk ape, it's eerie screech, it's plaintive call
I had to smell the skunk ape, it's musty pungent foul perfume
Would I flee the skunk ape as Roy had done or face my doom?
I read everything I could, like Elkins Creek by James P Akin,
But my fears did not abate they just grew worse and I was shaken
But still I knew what I must do, so one night I went with Uncle Roy
Out to his famous sighting spot
That night a man would rise from the boy
I went to see the skunk ape, to face what kept me up at night
I went to hear the skunk ape, the sound that gave uncle Roy such fright
I went to smell the skunk ape whose bitter scent would end my youth
I wouldn't flee the skunk ape I'd stay and learn the awful truth
We walked into that field to the very spot Roy told us of
The air was strangely still, full moon and stars shining above
We waited hours in that field just like Sally Brown and Linus did
I began to think Roy was a liar and I was just a stupid kid
We almost packed it in but then the slightest breeze drifted our way
And on that breeze the foulest odor I had smelled up to that day
We stood there back to back as out of nowhere it appeared
And what I saw that night burned in my brain, and in my memory seared
I saw the skunk ape, smelled the skunk ape, heard the skunk ape's scream
I peed my pants, didn't take a chance, I left Roy and split the scene