City life Lyrics
- Genre:World Music/Folklore
- Year of Release:2022
City life - Winky D
ndaisava wise muclass
ASI pakutsvaga ndiri street smart
handina swagger asi ndiri classy
handisase chiti chati
saka nomore off shift focus
good life huya spend namaDollars
ndolife yepa City Mari huya sendasvipa dota via Mississippi
nomore off shift focus ndolife yepacity kutenderedza madollars pastreet saka chiti chiti bang bang gents ndobudisa dollar pa 15 cents chishuwo changu kudriver 2018 Benz usazvi calculator cause it wont make sense zvangu ini zvino maker ma dollars ndoskiri rangu samethembe kumaker madollars l will soldier on kunge gunnez ndive happy semusoja apiwa bonus pastreet ndepehasha vamwe vanobata rough oskid huya nedhiri ndoku cutter half pastreet kungo connector neku networker saka handimboisa data off
ndaisava wise muclass
ASI pakutsvaga ndiri street smart
handina swagger asi ndiri classy
handisase chiti chati
saka nomore off shift focus
good life huya spend namaDollars
ndolife yepa City Mari huya sendasvipa dota via Mississippi
saka nomore off shift focus good life huya spend namaDollars ndolife yepacity kutenderedza madollars pastreet
ndakazvitadza by the book
ndombozama by the hook
patonaz pakazara macrook
zvimoko zvikuuya zvaka poda poda kubhaiza matsaga by the look hapana hama pacity usachema hapana mama pacity pakazara vakutsvaga power kunga fifty ndochilife chacho chiri sour hachisi sweet
zvinochigafa chakunda nhamo ndogona ndospender sachatunga gafa riye ro celebrater fueling station kunge sakunda
ndaisava wise muclass
ASI pakutsvaga ndiri street smart
handina swagger asi ndiri classy
handisase chiti chati
saka nomore off shift focus
good life huya spend namaDollars
ndolife yepa City Mari huya sendasvipa dota via Mississippi
shift focus
shift focus
shift focus