We're Sent Out Lyrics
- Genre:Gospel
- Year of Release:2022
Because Jesus has completely transformed our lives
And bought us out of our sins by His blood
He is our Master – our Lord
And we want to obey Him
Not out of some begrudging duty
But out of our love for Him
Because He loved us so much
One way that we obey the Lord Jesus
Is by following the last words He gave
Before He ascended to Heaven
Here's what He said
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me
Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations
Baptizing them in the name of the Father
And the Son and the Holy Spirit
Teaching them to obey all the commands I have given you
And be sure of this: I am with you always
Even to the end of the age"
These last words of Jesus have commonly been referred to as
"The Great Commission"
Jesus wants us to tell others about Him and about all that He's said
He wants us to train up people — to "disciple" them in His teachings
You see, each one of us has some baggage
Of old ways of thinking and living
That we got from this world
But now that we are citizens of God's Kingdom
We need to learn (and help others to learn)
The "law of the land," as it were
The way of life that our King, Jesus, has instructed us to live
But as we go out into uncharted territory
Where the Kingdom rule of Jesus is not yet manifestly present
Know this: we do not go alone
Our King, Jesus, promised that He is with us every step of the way
He has been given all authority in Heaven and on earth
And He has vested us with His authority
So where evil spirits would hinder the advance of the gospel
Or give people torment
We can tell those spirits to leave in the Name of Jesus
Where sickness is present, we can pray for people in the Name of Jesus
And God's power can heal them
You see, our battle is not against flesh and blood
That is, we're not fighting against people
Sure, as we tell people about Jesus
People might certainly oppose us
They might mock us or even harm us
But ultimately, they are not our true enemies
They are merely captive to do the evil one's will
The evil one, the devil, has blinded their minds
So that they can't see the glorious light of the gospel and be saved
So, we should pray for them
That God would grant them repentance
Leading to a knowledge of the truth
So that they may be saved
God will prepare your way before you and soften people's hearts
So that they are ready to hear what you have to say
A person that God has readied in this way is called a "person of peace"
Be prepared to answer whatever questions they have
And tell them about the amazing God you now know
And how He has changed your life
Disciple them, baptize them, teach them
Show them what this new life is all about
So, with all of this in mind
Let's tell others about this amazing Good News of God's salvation
And let's train these new believers, discipling them like apprentices
Equipping them to live this new life
And modeling for them what it looks like
Knowing that Jesus is with us every step of the way