Receive The Holy Spirit Lyrics
- Genre:Gospel
- Year of Release:2022
Jesus told us that we must be born again--
Born from above
He said that we must be born of water and spirit
We've already looked at what it means to be born of water--
Having our sins washed away
And our old life buried with Jesus on His cross--
But what does it mean to be born of spirit?
Remember how I said that after Jesus was baptized
God's Holy Spirit came on Him and gave Him power?
That is the same Spirit who wants to live in you
And give you the power to live as a child of God
He gives you a new birth into God's family
And gives you the ability to enter into God's Kingdom
This Spirit is known as "the Holy Spirit"
He is the very Spirit of God Himself
God had promised long ago,
"I will also sprinkle clean water on you,
And you will be clean
I will cleanse you from all your impurities
And all your idols
I will give you a new heart
And put a new spirit within you
I will remove your heart of stone
And give you a heart of flesh
And I will put My Spirit within you
And cause you to walk in My statutes
And to carefully observe My ordinances"
God knew that in order for us to follow Him the way we needed to
We needed a reset
We needed to be born again
You see, when we repent and are baptized into union with Jesus,
We are forgiven of all the sins we've ever committed
And it's wonderful!
But — I don't know about you —
If I were simply to be forgiven without a real change taking place in my heart,
I'd just go back to doing the same bad things I used to do all over again
Well, that's where God's Holy Spirit comes in
We need to be filled up with a new life — God's life
We need the Holy Spirit
"So, how do I receive the Holy Spirit?"
Just like everything else in our salvation,
We receive the Holy Spirit by faith
Sometimes in the Bible,
The Holy Spirit came at the very moment a person heard the Good News and believed
Other times, the Holy Spirit was sought through prayer
Jesus said that God is faithful to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him for it
If you are not sure if you have received the Holy Spirit,
You can pray for God to fill you up
If you need help, feel free to ask another believer to pray for you
This was often done in the Bible
They will place their hands on you
And ask God to fill you up with the Holy Spirit
After you have asked God for the Holy Spirit, just wait and let Him come in
When the Holy Spirit comes and drenches you with His presence,
He will fill you up to overflowing
Jesus said, "Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks"
So when you're filled with the Holy Spirit,
You may find that you suddenly burst into a shout of praise,
Speaking about how good God is and the wonderful things He's done
Or you may experience an urge to speak in a language you haven't heard before
If you do feel an urge for something to come out of your mouth,
Just speak and let it come out
God is filling you up with a new life
He is immersing you in His Holy Spirit
In summary, the Holy Spirit gives us a new life
With a new heart that wants to obey God
And hates doing anything that makes God sad
So when you receive God's Holy Spirit,
God is letting you know that He has given you a new birth into His family--
That you have been born again,
Now not only of water,
But also of spirit:
God's Holy Spirit
What now?
Live as a child of God,
Loving and obeying your new Daddy,
God your Father,
Who loves you dearly
Rejoice that your name is written in God's book in Heaven
And listen to the voice of His Spirit,
Speaking to you from inside of you
And guiding you on the way you are supposed to go
He will give you the power to live this new life