God's Provision Lyrics
- Genre:Gospel
- Year of Release:2022
'Cause I don't know about you
But I've lied before
I've disobeyed my parents
I've stolen from other people
I've desired things that didn't belong to me
I've not always loved God
As much as I ought to
Thankfully, God had a plan
He knew that we would disobey Him
And make ourselves filthy in His sight
So, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ
Jesus came into this world
Conceived by God's Holy Spirit in the virgin Mary
He lived a perfect life, doing everything that pleased God
And He taught us how to live in a good and right way
He was baptized in water by a man named John
And when Jesus came out of the water
God's Holy Spirit came on Him and gave Him power
With this power, Jesus healed people who were sick
He gave sight to blind people
He even raised dead people back to life!
And for people who had been tormented by evil spirits
Jesus commanded the evil spirits to leave their bodies
And they obeyed Him!
But after doing all of these good things
Jesus was hated by the religious people
So they took Jesus and had Him beaten, mocked
Spit upon, and killed on a cross
He was treated like an awful criminal!
But Jesus didn't die because He had done anything wrong
What these religious people didn't know
Is that God had planned for this moment all along!
Jesus was dying in our place!
We had disobeyed God
We had become slaves of sin
We deserved to die
But Jesus gave up His life
So we could be set free!
But that's not the end of the story!
After Jesus died, He was buried in a tomb
Then, three days later, Jesus rose from the grave and defeated death!
God had brought Jesus back to life!
In this way, God showed that Jesus truly was innocent of any crime
If Jesus had ever committed any sins of His own
He would have had to stay in the grave
But since He was perfect, He could rightly die in your place
And then be raised to life!
God showed the whole world that Jesus was not just an ordinary man
He was the Son of God!
The promised King!
Jesus… What a wonderful name