Epipelagic : The Old Stone Bridge (Surface – 656ft) ft. Elise Cook Lyrics
- Genre:Metal
- Year of Release:2024
In 7 billion souls strong, we are united in an aimless dance
We are so lost in our reveries, misguided with a sense of purpose
O' one last foray into my predilections, O' one fleeting embrace and this can all be reversed
These fiends took the auspices from unhallowed beginnings
I run to thee in the hope of your answers
One last rock on this cairn, above the sea
As this nigh scourge looms, the tenebrous can rise
Have we all just been waiting for an intemperate time?
As smoke fills the air, we abandoned our designs and we chose violence as the context for our lives
One last glimpse of the sky, the world at its knees
We can all link arms and walk into the sea
The deep unknown like a mirror to what befalls thee
There floats your brothers and soon you will join them
The tide ebbs and flows as their remains make an aimless dance
You; in an aimless dance
We; in an aimless dance
Oh why must things be this way? I never set out to harm
But there I stand on the Old Stone Bridge incognizant of the world's kinship
In the Benthic, where I fear most, where I must go, to expire alone
In my sycophantic ways, defined by cowardice, I am utterly undeserving of this espirit de corps
To be blessed with a common grave, in my impotence, in front of the gods, is unconscionable
In this primitive chamber I am protected as the furore descends
For the longest time, I have been disconsolate, more content by a complete lack of joy
Always watching on, as the world passes me by, with no bond to anything, life's a thankless task
I have no hunger, no need to achieve, every waking moment, nothing more than jejune
In stagnation, no drive or potency, a beleaguered fawn, aimless and disconnected
Like a greek tragedy, at the pinnacle of my understanding, the doors suddenly slam shut
It is only befitting, as above so shall below, that I must remain solitary
Why start to change things now?
Each struggle added to the obsession that there's something wrong with me, fundamentally, I am
broken, beyond reproach
I shied away, cowered in fear, unable to match another's gaze
Loosened my grip, and chose to ignore as all good things floated away from me
For each drop of pain, I lost my cool an preferred to impart
Awash in fury, in my truculence, I somehow always found the strength to prey on someone weaker
than I
Without fail, I claimed to learn, then would re-enact the same aimless dance
Stuck on repeat, like life is unending, unaware of the oblivion about to transpire
On the old stone bridge, above a ramp of stones, the vessel hangs in balance of the foreboding
In spite of all my fears, I know I must push on in the imponderable lies my salvation
In those metal walls lies our answer to this quandary
Cease, my fellow kin, for our lord presents us a token; our very own sinai is before us.
Run! To the beacon that calls us and the commandments inside
Run! For he can imbue us and lead us from this strife
Run! To the mountain of god, inside there is his word
Run! To the altar built before us, there is no other way
Get inside, there is safety
Ignore their cries, just slip away
As the final pockets of air flee to the surface, those peering eyes are lost and so too does their
form, thus unfurls an amaranthine shadow upon the tender skies
All that I cherish and all that I fear, no longer bind me, now just the mausoleum of my own creation
Should I feel release as the clamour wanes, should I look away or bear witness to their ultimate
Am I even worthy or am I imperious to the gods as I run away from their creation?
Heed my words as my ailing whispers lay forth a sullen path
My skin bears the marks from those who led you to this act
On land above they grin, as you followed every whim and fell foul to their machinations
Do you not want to overcome the apostates and avenge all you've lost?
Honour the crestfallen who remained at your side
For every shattered bond, I can teach you to plead for their exonerating song
Would it not be a blessing to be in their favour?
As I descend, the mausoleum, the clamour wanes