Redneck ’n Hillbilly Slang Lyrics
- Genre:Country
- Year of Release:2025
Let's get on it
Redneck slang
How'd that sound
I believe it's
Redneck 'n Hillbilly
Y'all or is it U all
Ok a parties about to be startin'
Are you fixin' to pitchin' in
Ain't got a pot to piss in
But can you buy sum beers
Your wallet looks
Bigger than a cows behind
I'm just hankerin' for 2 beers 2 go
Cut a rug hurry up
Dusty dirt floors ain't gettin' any younger
Hey I've came a long way I use to be
Knee high to a grasshopper
Then I grew to be
Too big for my britches
Now I'm 62
Fixin' to start a bonfire
For a party got my night crew headin' this way
But don't need these
Be catchin' embers hot
Plenty of beers 'n coolers ice
I'm fixin to puttin' beers 'n my truck bed as an ice box it's plenty full
Cost me 2 weeks worth of my roof over my head funds gone
That's more fugged up than a knuckle soup sandwich where'd it all go
Got my piggy's life savings be rattlin' it like a cricket in a hub cap geezers
They are already drunker than 2 dogs in a gunny sack rattlesnake inside
Now it's rainin' down like a horse pissin' on a flat rock
Oops my country queen just heard me
Yellin' to me hush up
Y'all quit 'n hold your horses
Quit fussing about
Stop horsin' around
I'm gettin' a bit dog tired
We ain't hankerin' or living high cotton
We be simple country folks small townin'
Dang she's madder than a wet hen
Keep up your mouth be eatin' corn thru a picket fence
You got me yes
You look rode hard 'n put up wet
Hustlin' about
Slow your roll
Get a beer till they show
Redneck 'n Hillbilly
You are livin' high cotton
We be simple country folks small townin'
Dang she's madder than a wet hen
Keep up your mouth be eatin' corn thru a picket fence
You got me yes
You look rode hard 'n put up wet
Hustlin' about
Slow your roll
Get a beer till they show
Get a beer till they show