Its True. Full Stop. Lyrics
- Genre:Pop
- Year of Release:2024
It's true, now I know I'm sure
I'm not going back to denial
My body's been telling me clearly, I think I've known for a while
Wishing something isn't true, doesn't make it so
Hoping your mind is making things up, won't convince the memories to go
So I'm listening now, I hear my body loud and clear
I trust my mind and my memory, even if it's everything I fear
I have to be brave, I can't run away, cause it will keep catching up with me
The truth is out, it's here to stay
I'm so numb, I can't even cry, it hurts to breathe, I'm empty inside
I'm so broken, this pain is consuming, I just wanna fade away into nothing
I don't know how to move, how to feel, how to be, I am dying inside, everything is surreal
I can't believe this is happening, it's my worst nightmare, my heart's breaking
My brave little body has held this pain for so long
Hiding it in the shadows, protecting me all along
My mind held back the memory until I was ready to feel
I've pushed it away, I didn't want it to be real
But denying the truth is denying the little girl inside what she deserves
She needs to tell the story, share her pain and feel heard
She's kept it inside for far too long, it's torn her apart
So I'll let her cry, get it off her chest, I'll mend her little heart
It's time to let her breathe and feel free, this is where healing starts for both her and me
I'm listening now, I hear my body loud and clear
I trust my mind and my memory, even if it's everything I fear
I have to be brave, I can't run away, cause fear will keep catching up with me
The truth is out, it's here to stay
This is the unburdening, now I know everything
I'm no longer running from the truth, I have every possible shred of proof
It's time to believe, accept and feel pain, knowing life will never be the same
It can't be, but it doesn't have to end here, I'll go through the process of feeling everything I fear
But there's still a light at the tunnel's end
I know when I finally reach it, my heart will mend