Love Is Misleading (version Nomeee) Lyrics
- Genre:Alternative
- Year of Release:2024
Talktotransformer LOVE IS MISLEADING
Love is misleading, love gets in the way, love works against
Love makes life hard, love isn't truth, love hides
It cheats,it lies, it hurts, it destroys
But love is a bridge
One that bridges over the hate, the confusion, the fight, the words not spoken
Love is full of hope, love is trust
It speaks, it gives, it forgives, it comforts, it protects
It's the reason we keep trying
The why's, the I love you's
The hold you hold on to the roof
Love does not stop and look back
Love sees the darkness, love doesn't leave
Love always stays, love does not fall, love keeps trying
Love will win, love always keeps going
Love is long and slow, love has no timeline
Love is not a show, love is never anything but
Love is different, love makes life worth living
Love is true, love is good, love is real
Love will never ever fail, love has a future
Love is joyful, love is real, love is truth
Love is love, but those words those same words, I whisper as I go to bed, the tears finally rolling down my cheeks
I never listen to them
I always want to believe the better words
I never trust the words that speak of pain about life
About love, about the light
I sit with my back to the door
I eat my food, I listen to my music
I smile, I laugh, I think, I think I will always do that
But tonight, tonight, tonight
I hear the words, tonight I know
I stand up, I walk towards the door
I look into my broken reflection
I look into my shattered heart, I grab my bag
I make my way downstairs out the door into the night
I get in my car, I hit the gas, I don't know how to live
I know what I have been missing
The pain in love, the utter helplessness of not being able to control what has happened in my life
I miss the rain, I miss the clarity of rainbows
I miss the sweet cool breeze of change that reminds you the world isn't broken beyond repair
I miss the blue sky, the view
The chance to start again
I miss fresh sheets, the scent of rain, I miss my cat
I miss everything about who I am
What I have lost, what I am missing
I am too scared to write this I think there are many reasons
My fingers are shaking, my heart is pounding
I am fighting the tears I don't want them
I have spent today angry, pissed off and hurt
And my hands were shaking
I thought about just not writing this blog
I thought I should not bring everyone down
But tonight I am not me, I am vulnerable
I have shared all of these things with those that I trust the most
It is my turn to share, my turn to tell you how I feel
Tonight I was walking home from my chiropractors office
My knee was hurting, it had been hurting all day
But I have been exercising, I have been walking a lot
Tonight my knee was hurting, I was walking fast
I got to the stairs, fumbled up them
Laid my hand on the railing to stop myself from falling
I thought, as I kept my gaze on the stairs, I could see down into the darkness, into the shadows of the ground floor
I wondered, I wondered how many people were hiding in the darkness
How many were waiting for me, waiting to jump on me
It had been almost a year, I couldn't let that happen
But as I got to the top, I stopped
I thought, fuck it, you know what
I am not going to be afraid
I am not going to let my fear control me
There is no one there
I got my key, went in, locked the door behind me, walked into my apartment, I looked out of the window, and it had stopped raining
It was sunny and clear, there was a perfect rainbow
I walked to my room, shut the door behind me, opened my new box of tissues, and cried
I cried for the first time in a long time
I cried because I was scared
I cried because I was angry
I cried because I was tired of being scared
Tonight, tonight was a night where I just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry but I didn't
I got over my fear and I talked to myself
I screamed at myself, I told myself to stop being a fucking pussy
The fear was gone, I think that people are scared of how I am
What I have been through, what I know
They want to protect me, they want to take away the pain
They want to feel like they can protect me from it
I am scared that I am getting ahead of myself
I am scared that I am over compensating for the things that have happened to me
I am scared that I am making it worse
But I can't be afraid anymore
I can't let fear get in the way of me
Tonight, I went for a walk and it rained
I came home and my brain was quiet
I was safe
I am safe