- Genre:Spoken Word
- Year of Release:2023
[David Dontoh]
On Sense for sale
Where did we stash our brain cells?
…And the Lord's prayer postulates inter alia:
"Our father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name
Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us blah-blah-blah
The power and the glory, forever and ever?
One ecumenical creed goes like:
"Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners…"
Mother of God, the Alpha and Omega?!
Talk about the Holy Trinity and the rest of them
Where did we stash our brain cells?
Do all of these provide answers
To all existential questions
What good do we make of encrypted dogmas
Except to breed and groom peerless nitwits
Bigots of yesterday, today and tomorrow?
We sure do know of warning notices
In the days of yore, in the citadels of freedom
On sign boards, even road signs and markings
"No loitering, no trespassing by law. Trespassers will be prosecuted"
Yet we forgive those who trespass against us?
Where did we stash our brain cells?
In the cerebrum, cerebellum and medulla oblongata?
Isn't it doctrinal to believe in life everlasting,
Could there be a narrow path to a heaven paved with gold
With angels touted as the creator's abode
And still be everywhere with us in spirit
Yet who came to live amongst us as an only begotten son
Who was crucified on a cross to atone for our sins; what sins?
Where did we stash our brain cells?
Underground, by the roadside or in the marketplace
Well, whichever way or place that may be
We better begin to count our cowries in gold
To buy what has always lived in us, even in the minds of old
In the youths and those yet unborn, one question to ask
Where did we stash our brain cells?
[Nana Fredua-Agyeman Jnr.]
If your clients are not paying you, then they are playing you
Listen attentively without me hearing you
Though that is not certain, you will certainly take a cue
Presumably, all persons know of its existence, however, those in search are a few
They seem to have it in abundance
Yet when it is needed, they begin to dance
They become celebrities overnight and twist their constituents into fans
Inform your allies who are supposed to be lawmakers that they are now troublemakers
If the citizenry trivialize issues worth accountability and permit to be led by persons on pension
They become complicit in the wallows of economic tension
Just like a modest response to a 'thank you', Oh! Don't mention
Imagine it as an illicit drug, sold clandestinely
It has zero expiration date, and only needs to be used at the right time
If over or under-utilized, it might result in the commission of a crime
Humanity is gradually affirming nonsense in bits in the name of research
Which search?
Why search for something that has already been found
Is it to make us stay relevant and profound?
One thing for sure is that sense like any other commodity is not free
Do not halt the flow, no matter how deeply embedded it is in your family tree
Just like the seasons, seek sense in turns
Likewise in cooking, lack of turns cause burns
Anything questionably questionable that is answerably answerable has to be sensibly sensible otherwise it becomes terribly terrible
Therefore, I say to you without offence
Apply your sense for it has no fence
Whenever, wherever or however you find sense for sale, in your quest to make a purchase after authentication, be wary, do not bargain
Caveat Emptor! — Buyer Beware!