Generosity Lyrics
- Genre:Spoken Word
- Year of Release:2023
The last major point on how my rich dad
And my poor dad had opposite ideas
Whereas my poor dad really thought the rich were greedy
He thought they were insensitive, they ought to exploit the poor
He said they're very greedy people
Whereas my rich dad always said the rich are generous
He said if you want to be rich, you gotta be generous
To get richer, be more generous
And so that was another opposite point of view
People like my poor dad always said
Well, how come I don't get more benefits?
I'm working really hard, well pay me more money
My attorney says, well, I'm gonna raise my rates to $200 an hour
My rich dad always thought that was greedy
He says, if you really wanna be rich
You need to work as hard for as many people as possible
That's how you become rich
So going back to the house
My poor dad always thought a big house was really important
Whereas my rich dad said by having apartment houses
He was providing more houses for more people
And that's why he was rich
Going back to the opposite of our ideas
It depends upon what you think is smart and what you think is risky
My rich dad became rich because he was a very generous man
And that's how he became rich
And so those are some of the opposite ideas
Between the rich, the poor, and the middle class
The last thing is this: my rich dad always said
Too many of the middle class people are trying to keep up with the Joneses
And he says, "If you look at their financial statement, the problem with keeping up with the Joneses is the Joneses are going broke"
So that goes back to one of my rich dad's three major rules
Money is just an idea
And the difference between the rich and the middle class especially
Is their ideas are exactly opposite
And I'll state it again because it's very important
If you want to be rich, one of the first things you need to do
Is choose the idea you think is real
For instance, my poor dad thought investing was risky
And that became his reality
That was a real idea to him
And my rich dad said that investing was how you got rich
And that was a real idea for him
So whatever you choose, choose your ideas well
Because it becomes your reality
Another example of choosing your ideas
Is my poor dad always said, "I can't afford it"
I can't afford it"
Do you think money grows on trees? I don't have enough money"
Those are his ideas, and those ideas became his reality
My rich dad forbade my best friend and I, Mike, from ever saying that
He says, instead of saying "I can't afford it"
Ask yourself, "How can I afford it?"
How can I afford it?
He says, That changes your whole world
So using the metaphor of the goldfish in a fishbowl
And the dolphin swimming in the ocean of plenty, the ocean of abundance
That really is a difference in the world between the middle class and the rich
The point I'm making here is this:
If you change the way you think and you only be more generous
Instead of getting paid more to work less, which most people think is the way to do that
You can tap into the world of so much money it's staggering
So the three rules my rich dad had were:
Number one, money is just an idea
When you look at arguments, most arguments are arguments between different realities
So if I say to somebody, investing is fun and easy
And somebody has the idea that investing is risky, we will argue
The point of view is, which reality do you want?
When I say to people, "I make more money by working for free
And somebody else says, "Well, you got to get paid"
You should, you know, my poor dad always said,
"You know, we should get paid for a day's work
And he's all upset that he didn't get paid
Well, the rich actually make more money by working for free
Or by giving, being more generous
A different idea will form a different reality, whatever you choose to be real
So in choosing to be rich, choose your ideas
That's why money is an idea, it's a very important idea
Rule number two my rich dad had was that money does not make you rich
My poor dad always said, "You know, I should work harder, work harder"
But no matter how hard you work, you just get further in debt
So what my rich dad taught me is money has the power to make you both rich as well as poor
And the third rule my rich dad had was that there's two kinds of money problems
One problem is a problem of not enough money
And the other problem is a problem of too much money
Which one do you want, he used to say
If you do the right things, you will have the problem of too much money
And it's hard for most people to realize
That they're having too much money could be a problem
And it is. And many people think that they're the only person with a money problem
I know people who say, "I'm poor, so I have a money problem"
Well, join the club. The rich have money problems
Businesses have money problems, churches have money problems
Governments have money problems, everybody has money problems
What ultimately makes you rich or poor starts with your ideas
And if you manage your money well, more money will make you richer
If you mismanage your money, more money will make you poor
And the third thing: if you manage your money really well
The problem to have is a problem of too much money
And that's what this series is designed to do
Is to start changing your ideas so that you can have the problem of too much money
Somewhere down the line
It's not about getting rich quick, it's about changing your ideas
Choosing your ideas, so that ultimately you have the problem of too much money
And let me tell you, the reason most people do not have the problem of too much money
Is most people grew up in a family where the problem was not enough money
And that became the reality
One of the greatest blessings I had by having two dads
Was that I saw both realities
The hardest thing for me to do was to mentally hold my rich dad's reality
In my mind, at the same time flush my poor dad's reality out of my system
And that was very, very hard
So what kept me going during times of, you know, financial struggle—
I've been poor. And so when people say, "You don't know what it's like to be poor,"
Let me tell you, I know. I've been millions of dollars in debt
I understand what it feels like to be poor
What kept me going was the reality of my rich dad, that it was possible
If I did the right things, even though I was underwater financially,
Eventually, I would have the problem of too much money
And that is what's happened to my life
And that's really what I want to share with you in this series
So if I may reiterate, a completely opposite point of view is the idea
Of the rich don't work for money
My poor dad constantly said to me,
Go to school, get good grades, so you can get a safe, secure job and work hard"
And my rich dad said, "That's a good idea if you don't want to be rich
But if you want to be rich, you need to learn not to work for money,
But learn how to have money work hard for you.