Meet Clarice Lyrics
- Genre:Soundtrack
- Year of Release:2023
Order up!
Clarice, where the heck is Dahlia?
She better not be tardy again
I don't know, Mrs. Peters
I haven't seen her today
Oh, I tell ya, the nerve of that girl showing
Up late to work at my restaurant
Our restaurant!
Oh right
Our restaurant
Boy, you would not believe the traffic on my way here!
You're right
I wouldn't believe it because you walk to work
Yeah, but the wicked witch doesn't have to know that
Well, maybe she wouldn't be so wicked toward you
If you showed up on time for once
Good morning, Mrs. P!
Is that new mascara you're wearing?
How many times do I have to tell you
Not to call me Mrs. P?
See, I just think it has a nice ring to it and
You're tardy! Again!
That's the third time this week young lady!
But Mrs. P I'm only a few minutes late and I'm sure
I can make up the time at the end of the day or something
We don't have to count me as being tardy
I would count myself as tardy!
You can only have up to so many tardies before I fire
You and serve your head on a platter to my customers!
Well, it was worth a shot
I expect these tables to be spotless young lady!
You know you don't have to work here
You see, that would be true, except I've been
Fired from every other job I've had
Yeah, I wonder why
And I only have this job because my aunt is
Good friends with "Miss Pain in my Behind" back
Behind the counter
I think she's quite lovely
Well maybe if I had nice doe eyes
And perfect hair she'd like me too
Or, and I'm just throwing this out there, it's because I do my job
Oh, you missed a spot
Ew! That's gum! I ain't touchin' that
I rest my case
Speaking of which, how's your perfect little life going?
Getting much traffic at the nightclub?
Nah, not really
I get the occasional praise from that
One guy that always sits in the back
Ooo, is he cute?
He's homeless…And forty…And only shows up because
He picks the leftovers out of the trash
Cheer up! At least you're getting yourself out there
I'm sure you'll blow up anytime now
And if I don't?
Come on, Clarice
You're not seriously telling me you'd be
Okay with working at the
Diner for the rest of your life?
I mean, I've considered it
I enjoy being around people, and
Maybe being a singer is just a side gig
But it can't be!
Do you know what I'd do
If I had your voice? Your talent?
You're practically perfect
Woah, woah, woah
Who said anything about being perfect?
I mean, it's quite obvious
You've got the whole package
You're smart, pretty, talented, anyone in
Their right mind would wanna be you
You just need a little push
Why's that?
Because if you made it big your life would truly be perfect
I'd hate to see you give that up
I moved to New York City straight out of high school
I thought that I had the perfect dream and
That my cards were just right
I left my whole family behind to live in a
200 square foot box in Manhattan
It was a different time
Though I still have a hope deep down that
I'll make it in the music world
I have to be realistic