Who's Ridin' With Me? Lyrics
- Genre:Spoken Word
- Year of Release:2023
Christianity is not a spectator sport
There are no sideline benches
Upon which to sit
Cheering on teammates
The action doesn't only take place
Within certain borders
There's no point at which
You lack marching orders
Even catching your breath
Is done on the battlefield
Amid screeching bullets & fallen comrades
Soldiers learn to rest as best they can, when they can
There's no giving up
No excuses
No half-stepping
Or at least
That's how it should be
It seems the Christian community
Has forgotten they are soldiers
Enlisted women and men
We are now more familiar with Hulu
Than the art of war
My dear Church
We need to get up off our collective posterior
Stop living life inferior
Stop selling God short
Quit being the sort
To run for shelter when rain falls
Or becoming Olympic sprinters when trouble calls
Soldiers! Stop acting like civilians lounging in your sectional
Society is screaming for Biblical direction
They're in a war zone but have no clue
No training, no camo, no compass, but you, do
So how about we, Church
Take a permanent leave of absence from excuses and doubt
How about
We volunteer to dodge bullets on our neighbor's behalf
KJV-66 with laser scope in hand
Let's search for spiritual refugees
Night vision in place
Internal compass always pointed toward grace
I'm done dodging land mines of mediocrity and apathy
Let's trip them all
Enjoy the blasts
Then get on with the battle at hand
Put down the latte
We got lost ones to find
Strap on your boots, helmets, knives, whetstone too
Grab a couple extra mags
Many rounds will be used
Let's search out the unfortunate and abused
Let's refuse
To do any less than the extraordinary
Cause for our commander in chief
Supernatural is daily
His will be done
He doesn't deal in maybe
So maybe it's time we move past belief and plunge into faith
Compelling faith, unyielding faith
The it's ok slaves the Christians are here faith
The Yeah my ribs broke but I'm carrying you out of here anyway faith
The faithful when my spouse ain't around faith
That Amazing Grace meets It is well with my soul faith
That faith that makes Satan nervous when he sees me in battle
At hells gates
It breaks through
And says, Point me to the kitchen, I got real work to do!
That pray for your enemies as they nail you to a tree kinda faith
Tell me Church do you still have that faith?
Do we possess such faith?
Or have we sold our birthright
For lattes and Netflix nights
We've gotten way too comfy
With our eight full hours of sleep
And our snooze buttons
While the lost are desperate for us to show up
Twelve men once tipped the world on its side
Because of who they possessed inside
So why is it so difficult to find soldiers like them
As if y'all chose to defect
Church, Soldiers!
This caravan of tanks pointed at the battlefield
Is ready to proceed
My question to you is, Who's riding with me?