Henchmen (Skit) ft. Grand Champions Comedy Lyrics
- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2022
Downtown Gotham City
In an area unspoken of
The Joker's lair where his henchman lie in wait
Sup guys, sup guys
Man that was a rough heist last week huh?
Ay Six, man tell me, tell me Six
It was too much
I mean, I know I'm new here
I just wanted to know uh
Have you guys been paid for that last heist?
I don't remember getting paid
Oh it just rolls over
And the next time it just rolls over again
And it just keeps rolling over
Like I have almost seven trillion dollars saved up
Seven trillion dollars?
Seven trillion dollars
I'm loaded
His 401k is awesome
Is that tax deductible?
Yeah of course
Just as long as you go through
You know, him
Do you use Western Union?
No I use Joker Union
It's like don't complain
It's like get the gas or
You know, live
See I knew it, I knew it!
I knew I shouldnt've started henching for The Joker
How do I ask-
How are you?
Oh hey Mr. J how's it going?
Hey J
You ever hear a uh, baby crying in the night?
Haha haha
That's hilarious
That's hilarious
That was good
That's hilarious boss
Boss, that's hilarious
Alright, catch you next time Jokes
Holy shit, what the fuck was that?
Hey Twelve
Twelve next time you don't say shit
You let him finish the joke, Twelve
Holy shit am I in trouble?
You're cool for now
You're the new guy
But the bad thing is
You're the fucking new guy
We've had thousands of new guys
I've never been the new guy
I was here from day one
He kidnapped me as a baby
Holy fuck
I was working at Barnes and Noble eleven months ago
And he just came and recruited me
I thought that this would be a good opportunity for me
For my résumé
That's what I'm saying he's very convincing
He told me I'd be making a change for Gotham City
You know what I'm saying
He said he would get me from behind the desk
I wanted adventure
How much in graduate school is he gonna pay for you guys?
He told me the whole thing
He told me don't worry
Has anyone been paid ever?
Ladies hi, how are you
Hey boss, hey boss
There's a dead guy
Where boss?
You want me to do something about it boss?
He just walked away
Was that a joke?
Was he joking?
I think it had to do with
Haha haha
Haha haha
We gotta get the fuck up out of here
We seriously gotta the fuck out of here
What were we thinking?
No, where's the body?
What body? Who's missing?
Where's Five?
Where's Five?
We can't worry about Five
Ok look I wanna get paid
We've done three heists in one month
I'm gonna go talk to him
No don't don't don't don't
Are you crazy?
I've seen him burn money
I've seen him burn people that owe him money
While they burn on the money they owe him
I don't think it's funny man!
What are my options here do I just leave?
No, you're in it to win it guy
And I'm telling you we never win it
We never win it
Oh shit do you see that?
Harley Quinn, she just put a fucking revolver in her mouth
Hee hee hee
Oh fuck
She just pulled the trigger
Holy fuck
She was supposed to have our checks yesterday
She's payroll!
Did you give her you social security?
Please tell me you didn't give her your social security number
Of course I did
It was supposed to be for my student loans
Oh my god
What the fuck were you gonna write on your taxes?
You work for The Joker?
He told me it was a Fortune 500
It isn't!
It isn't