Twenty Something (Outro) ft. Ko'rale & Oreva Lyrics
- Genre:Alternative
- Year of Release:2022
I am twenty something out here believing
Hoping someday I'm gonna make it
I want you to fall in love with every part of you
I want you to greet your reflection in the mirror
With grace and appreciation
I want you to accept your flaws without resistance
See that you are a masterpiece
Visit every nook and cranny of yourself
Fall in love with each part
Your brain your eyes your smile
Your walk your talk
Pour salt on your wounds
And give yourself space to heal
You are a reflection of a beautiful God
Who took his time with you
Everything he touches is perfect
You are light
And light always shines
The brightest in the darkness
In light of perfect love
Your frailties seem like unending darkness
You ache and bend and weep and try
To fit into what you think love expects from you
Your flaws come to blinding light
As you see even more clearly how much you fall short
Imperfection is heavy I know
But I am Learning to find comfort
In the parts of me that aren't snap worthy
To peel off the filters and effects
Look myself in the mirror
And embrace the beauty that stares back at me
Every day would not be perfect
But on imperfect days I will perfect my joy
I would hold my peace close and unleash mercy on my flaws
You are perfect now
I want you to look in the mirror and acknowledge all that you are
Beat your hands on your chest and chant your oriki
Your scars are proof of your fight
It is a gallant sign that screams
Healing has happened here
You survived a wound that threatened to overwhelm you
Scars are for victors and in this battle my dear you have already won
Who taught you to keep quiet
To swallow your words and die in silence
Who told you that you have nothing to say
Who lied that your voice doesn't count
Where did you learn to cower
To hide behind your silence
And shuffle your feet on grounds you were meant to dominate
Dear child where did you learn to excuse your fear for shyness
So to you who feel like giving up, hang in there
Put a torch to the darkest places in your heart
Shed light on the things you're too afraid to see
And burn the self doubt to the ground
You are worthy of love too
So I want you to love yourself
In the same way that he loves you
Wholly Completely Unashamed and without apology
In the eyes of a God who is the evidence of perfection
You are worth dying for
So I need you to never forget that