Breathe Lyrics
- Genre:Gospel
- Year of Release:2022
I am walking in Freedom
I am walking in Victory
For my night has turned to Day
Everything will be ok
I am walking in Freedom
I am walking in Victory
My Redemption's here
I can finally Breathe
Its a long time coming since I felt this free
I'd been bound by the roots of sin's tree
I was so choked I couldn't breathe
Until Jesus came and set me free
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood
But rulers in high places
Principalities and powers
That hold us down, hold us down
And God said, without knowledge
My people perish
I am walking in Freedom
I am walking in Victory
For my night has turned to Day
Everything will be ok
I am walking in Freedom
I am walking in Victory
My Redemption's here
I can finally Breathe
Praise God, sin has lost its grip on me
Now I know who I am in Christ Jesus
I am a new creation, a brand new man
Old things past away
Behold all things are new
This is the crux of the matter
Jesus said on the cross
It was finished
Now I sing and declare
The blood of Jesus cleanses me
Revives us all, gives us peace
There's nothing more that I can do
But serve him for the rest of my life
And give him all the praise
Now I am free, I am free, I am free to say
I am walking in Freedom
I am walking in Victory
For my night has turned to Day
Everything will be ok
I am walking in Freedom
I am walking in Victory
My Redemption's here
I can finally Breathe
You see in 2 Corinthians 10:4, it says
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal
But mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds
Casting down imaginations
And every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God
And bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ
And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience
When your obedience is fulfilled
I am walking in Freedom
I am walking in Victory
For my night has turned to Day
Everything will be ok
I am walking in Freedom
I am walking in Victory
My Redemption's here
I can finally Breathe
I am walking in Freedom
I am walking in Victory
For my night has turned to Day
Everything will be ok
I am walking in Freedom
I am walking in Victory
My Redemption's here
I can finally Breathe