Reggie ft. Emily Poma, Hayley Kennedy & Thomas Wheeler Lyrics
- Genre:Gospel
- Year of Release:2022
Bum bum bum bum bum bum
Put a little bass in your voice right there
Ok go back
Count it all joy my brethren
When you endure trials of many kinds
My help cometh from the Lord
Which made heaven and earth
Let's jump over here to Jeremiah
Refrain thine voice from weeping
And thine eyes from tears
For thy work shall be rewarded
I'm seeking the judge
Two feet to the ground no I will not budge
Stood tall for a minute till I couldn't go farther
Ree told me to add a little water
If you focus on the problem then you'll never solve her
Shooting these demons but I don't have a revolver
I was throwed off ever since I was a toddler
Baptized by fire
But that was after the water
Holy Spirit take the lead
Bum bum bum bum bum bum
Oh Father can you help me breathe
Seek first the Kingdom that's what I believe
No weapon prospers and greater is He
It's all about God no it's not about me
They told me that I oughta preach
The Holy Spirits gonna speak
He's the strength when we're weak
Thomas saith unto Him
Lord we know not whether thou goeth
And we cannot know the way
Jesus saith unto him
I am the way
The truth
And the life
No man cometh unto the Father but by Me
You are are the way
You are the truth
The broken path leading to you
It is the only way that I will choose
And sometimes when I don't know what to do
I turn your Word and there is the proof
It has been written
Words I could quote
Spit Jonah out when he fell off the boat
He didn't want to go
Told God no
Along came a whale that swallowed him whole
It has been written
To seek first the Kingdom
Everything else will be provided
Told them the truth no I couldn't be quiet
Can't spread the Gospel when living in silence
Come unto me all ye that labor
And are heavy laden
And I will give you rest
Take my
Take my yoke upon you
And learn of me
Tapped in are you feeling the Holy Ghost
Father God I just pray that you keep us close
Holding every thought captive
Obey the host
I'll try to not fall away when I need you most
Try to count it all joy no I cannot forget it
This world is wicked but Father you're steady
War in the spirit
You gotta be ready
Bearing those burdens is bound to get heavy
He's doing a new thing
Do you not perceive it
It springs up
Just tryin to plant seeds for the harvest He bring up
Tryin to hit your line but you never wanna meet up
Lord you called me
Guess you knew that I'd be up
Hold on
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Ask and it shall be given you
Seek and ye shall find
Knock and it shall be opened unto you
Hold on
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I'm seeking the judge
Two feet to the ground no I will not budge
Stood tall for a minute till I couldn't go farther
Ree told me to add a little water
If you focus on the problem then you'll never solve her
Shooting these demons but I don't have a revolver
I was throwed off ever since I was a toddler
Baptized by fire
But that was after the water
Holy Spirit take the lead
Count it all joy my brethren
When you endure trials of many kinds
For you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance
John fourteen three
And if I go and prepare a place for you
I will come again
And receive you unto myself
That where I am there ye may be also
Come on dog
I really like this
Me myself
I like this one
It says
Thomas saith unto me Lord