In The New Jerusalem ft. Glenna Campbell Lyrics
- Genre:Gospel
- Year of Release:2022
When the toils of life are over,
And we lay our armour down,
And we bid farewell to earth with all its cares,
We shall meet and greet our loved ones,
And our Christ we then shall crown,
In the new Jerusalem.
There'll be singing, there'll be shouting
When the saints come marching home,
In Jerusalem, in Jerusalem,
Waving palms with loud hosannas
As the King shall take His throne,
In the new Jerusalem.
Though the way is sometimes lonely,
He will hold me with His hand,
Through the testings and the trials I must go.
But I'll trust and gladly follow,
For sometime I'll understand,
In the new Jerusalem.
There'll be singing, there'll be shouting
When the saints come marching home,
In Jerusalem, in Jerusalem,
Waving palms with loud hosannas
As the King shall take His throne,
In the new Jerusalem.
When the last goodbye is spoken
And the tear stains wiped away,
And our eyes shall catch a glimpse of glory fair,
Then with bounding hearts we'll meet Him
Who hath washed our sins away,
In the new Jerusalem.
There'll be singing, there'll be shouting
When the saints come marching home,
In Jerusalem, in Jerusalem,
Waving palms with loud hosannas
As the King shall take His throne,
In the new Jerusalem.
When we join the ransomed army
In the summer land above,
And the face of our dear Savior we behold,
We will sing and shout forever,
And we'll grow in perfect love,
In the new Jerusalem.
There's a holy and beautiful city
Whose Builder and Ruler is God;
John saw it descending from Heaven,
When Patmos, in exile, he trod;
Its high, massive wall is of jasper,
The city itself is pure gold;
And when my frail tent here is folded,
Mine eyes shall its glory behold.
In that bright city, pearly white city,
I have a mansion, a harp, and a crown;
Now I am watching, waiting, and longing,
For the white city John saw coming down.
No sin is allowed in that city
And nothing defiling or mean;
No pain and no sickness can enter,
No crepe on the doorknob is seen;
Earth's sorrows and cares are forgotten,
No tempter is there to annoy;
No parting words ever are spoken,
There's nothing to hurt or destroy.
No heartaches are known in that city,
No tears ever moisten the eyes;
There's no disappointment in Heaven,
No envy and strife in the sky;
The saints are all sanctified wholly,
They live in sweet harmony there;
My heart is now set on that city,
And some day its blessings I'll share.
My loved ones are gathering yonder,
My friends too are passing away,
And soon I shall join their bright number,
And dwell in eternity's day;
They're safe now in glory with Jesus,
Their trials and battles are past.
They overcame sin and the tempter,
They've reached that fair city at last.
Who Could it Be?
Well Who could it be that tenderly holds my trembling hand
And Who is the one that speaks in a voice I understand
Well Who could it be that maketh the raging storms to cease
It's God's only Son, the Prince of Peace
God's only Son will hold to my hand and answer my prayer
And God's only Son a mansion so grand he has gone to prepare
Thank God when I reach that place where heaven of rest awaits
That God's only Son will open the gates
No matter how long life's wearisome pilgrimage may be
And no matter how wide our stormy life's raging waters beat
I'm bound for that place where all of God's faithful children go
God's only Son is with me I know
Yes God's only Son will hold to my hand and answer my prayer
And God's only Son a mansion so grand he has gone to prepare
Thank God when I reach that place where heaven of rest awaits
That God's only Son will open the gates
My Jesus Rolled The Water Back
My Jesus Rolled the water back
Yes He rolled the water back
And He made a way when there's no other way
And He rolled the water back