- Genre:Spoken Word
- Year of Release:2022
To the man I choose to Love
I choose to identify the gift & calling God spoke over you & help nurture it
I choose to be a vessel for Gods radiant peace to beam through daily
Reminding you of great Joy when sorrow wants to compress it
I choose to serve you, as a Representation of
Christ serving to his Disciples when he was washing their feet
As an example of being one body
Knowing you aren't greater than I'am & I'm not greater than you
But us coming together is what's greater, To serve the greater purpose
I choose to respect you, because i know
You won't be the man to lead me outside Of Gods presence
But pull me deeper in it, Being the man to Lead me closer to Christ in prayer
In worship, in fellowship, in gratitude, Laughter, tears, silence & intimacy
I choose to carry you in my heart in a Form of a prayer, praise, worship or a Cuddle
Never allowing a disagreement to create A portal for you to slip out of
Never giving up because Love doesn't Give up
It chooses to carry the person when they Can't carry themselves some days
So, i choose to carry you
When those days come where you feel Like you can't carry yourself
In Ephesians 5:25 it says that
For husbands, this means love your Wives
Just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her
I understand this scripture states for Husbands to sacrifice themselves for Their wives
But as Believer in the Body of Christ, we Also Sacrifice ourselves to be closer to Christ
& I say all this because i also choose to Sacrifice
Die to my flesh for you, the way i know You'll do for me
I choose to not only continue being a Proverbs 31 woman for myself & our Family
But I choose to be a 1 Corinthians 13 Woman
To have a Love that is
Not jealous
Not proud
Not boastful
Not rude
Not selfish nor envious
Not easily angered, or hold wrongs Against
But to be truthful
& Loving daily never choosing to quit or Fail on you
Because three things i choose to forever Remain in me in this covenant
Is faith, hope & love
& and the most important Love
I choose to do life with you
Simply creating memories & living the Way God wants us to live
Enjoying each other, not only in ministry But as Best friends
Holding one another accountable, being The iron we both need for us to be Sharpened
& most importantly as a reminder, I choose you
I choose you to be the man to commit These promises to & with
I choose you because God showed me You were worth choosing