Make A Difference Lyrics
- Genre:Gospel
- Year of Release:2021
So you don't know if you can do this
And you don't know if you're ready
You have feelings of fear and anxiety
Thoughts of struggle and failure
And you think you ain't cut out for this work right?
Now I know you got this
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise
You were created for this mission
Everyone is chosen for a particular work
And I know you'd rather be passed up
That you'd rather someone else take the wheel
Someone else take the lead
But don't let challenges and obstacles get in your way
You can be the difference and the change
That is needed in this world, in this life
Just takes some extra work, a harder grind
A different lifestyle and a state of mind
So keep your head up, stay on your feet
I know it gets difficult and you'll face some defeat
But those are small setbacks towards a great victory
Just keep pushing forward and you will see
The battles may be lost but the war ain't over
Yes victory lies ahead and your the best soldier
Humility and patience are keys to success
Otherwise pride and impatience will cause you distress
I know that fear and worry will discourage you from carrying on
And yes this mission will come with a cost
I know you think someone else is more capable and strong
But the thing is, you are capable and strong
You are capable of taking the lead
You were created specifically for this task
And there's no way you can fail
Just keep your head up and you will prevail
You have the voice to make a stand
You have the love to lend a helping hand
You have the ability to tear down walls
The ability to carry those who fall
And I know you will not be overwhelmed
That you will never be left without any help
Just remain calm and set your eyes on the goal
No matter how deep it is, you'll get out of that hole
Don't despair even when you're weak
No don't despair even when you sink
Then the Lord summoned his disciples and said to them
Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself
Take up his cross, and follow me
For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it
But whoever loses his life for my sake will save it
What profit is there for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?
What could one give in exchange for his life?
Whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this faithless and sinful generation
The Son of Man will be ashamed of
When he comes in his Father's glory with the holy angels
Make a difference
Be the difference
Make a difference
Be the difference
Make a difference
Be the difference
Make a difference
Yeah, be the difference
Yeah make a difference
Yeah be the difference
Go out and make a change
Go out and break the chains
Yeah make a difference
Yeah be the difference
Go out and storm the walls
Go out and answer the call
Yeah make a difference
Yeah be the difference
Go out and be the voice
Proclaim his name, rejoice
Don't fear take up your shield
Defend the weak and reap the field
You're called to lead, you're called to serve
On this road with so many twists and turns
So make a difference
Go on now Be the difference
So Go on make a difference
Go on now be the difference
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Reple tuorum corda fidelium
Et tui amoris in eis ignem accende
Lord is that you?
If it is you please call me out to you
Come to me
It is you, wait for me, I'll go
Here I come Lord
Oh no, wait, Lord help me, help me!
I'm sinking Lord, I'm going to drown
Reach out your hand
Lord please bring me up
I got you
Oh you of little faith why did you doubt?
I was scared Lord and shaken
I lost sight of you and worried
I'm so weak and helpless
I didn't know what to do
I'm sorry, so sorry
Be not afraid, I'm always with you
Just call on me and put your trust in me
I'll be your strength and your comfort
Your shelter and your guide
I'm your rock and your salvation
Your fortress, you shall never be shaken
I love you and will never leave you
Deny yourself and take up your cross
The road is hard but the reward is great
Just keep getting up and finish the race
Blessed are you who suffer for my sake
I'll be there to embrace you at the heavenly gate
So trust in him and take his hand
Be ready to fight, to take a stand
With the army of angels in his command
I now have faith in whatever he plans
Gonna make a difference with my gift of life
Won't be ashamed to fight for what's right
To spread the love that he gave to me
By the blood he poured while hung on a tree
I'm ready to embrace my sufferings
And seek mighty God in all these things
I know I ain't an angel but I feel so fly
'Cause I'm confident that the Lord's by my side
Got a Guardian you can't see on my six
In this spiritual galaxy, he's battling
Yeah I'm about to make a difference in this world and step up
Yeah It's faith over fear, I said it's time to step up
Let's go!
So make a difference
Go on now be the difference
So go on make a difference
Go on now be the difference