All A Dream (Intro) ft. Aby Fab & Magician Rapper Lyrics
- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2021
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure
Beyond measure
I'm gonna show you how great I am
Last night I cut the light off in my bedroom
Hit the switch, was in the bed before the room was dark
I'm gonna show you how great I am
Only last week I murdered a rock
Injured a stone, hospitalized a brick
I'm so mean I make medicine sick
I'm gonna show you how great I am
This kid's gonna be the best kid in the world
This kid's gonna be somebody better than anybody ever knew
I'm gonna show you how great I am
I have wrestled with an alligator
I done tussled with a whale
I done handcuffed lightning, throwed under in jail
I'm gonna show you how great I am
All of you chumps are gonna bow when I whoop him
All of you. I know you got him
I know you got him, picked
But the man's in trouble
I'm gonna show you how great I am
But somewhere along the line, you changed
You stopped being you
You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good
And when things got harder
You started looking for something to blame
Like a big shadow
Let me tell you something you already know
The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows
It's a very mean and nasty place
And I don't care how tough you are
It will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let It
You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life
But it ain't about how hard you hit
It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward
How much you can take and keep moving forward
That's how winning is done
Because if you're willing to go through all the battling you gotta go Through
To get to where you wanna get
Who's got the right to stop you
I mean, maybe some of you guys got something you never finished
Something you really wanna do
Something you never said to someone
And you're told no
Even after you pay your dues
Who's got the right to tell you that
It's your right to listen to your gut
It ain't nobody's right to say no
After you earn your right to be where you wanna be
And do what you wanna do
Fab Futur3
K'a o rata, baby
It was all a dream
I couldn't handle it
Now I
Can feel the breeze
Nothing in life is ever as it seems
I cannot see the light, kwamanje ng' se masimini
I'm losing life, ikhanda lise manzini
But I gotta stay alive
So kwamele ng' funde uk' swimmer
I don't wanna drown
Always gotta frown
Ngath' ng' sindwa 'ma dreads
Always looking down
So to God I bow
My knees on the ground
I'm a soldier at war
I've been on the ground
But the world will kick your dog while it's down
But me, I'm here to kick the door to the ground
Since I got the milk
Mixer ne stout
Cause now it's time to build my castle on the ground
Dream, believe, you'll achieve
Nna ke Motaung - I gotta live like a chief
The devil's on a leash
Cause I preach when I speak
My heart is made of steel
So they treat me like a thief
Umhlaba unjalo, bazok' buka, bak' judge
Mfana, maw' ngenaz' impande
Bazodlula bak' hathe
Ngaph'i fame wu satan
Bazok' funa, bak' thande
But the second it all ends, bakhuluma ngawe kabi, see
I know it all
Cause I've been through it all
Video shoots
Taking pics at a mall
Endless posts on my wall
Too bad it was all a dream
Biggie Smalls
All your fans go mute when you fall
Ama inbox
Saying you cute
Not anymore
Those who used to hug you
Now a days ba vele bathi sure
Those who used to love you
Back in the days
Don't even call
No more
But I learned to take it all in
They still sleeping on me
I hear them snoring
Bazovuka and start yawning
My life is still messy
I'm gonna be ballin'
I couldn't handle it
All the hate I got
I just couldn't handle it
I just couldn't handle it
The fake love that they showed
I just couldn't handle it
I couldn't handle it
The rumors that I heard
I just couldn't handle it
I just couldn't handle it
I just couldn't handle it
Cause it was all a dream
It was all a dream
Cause it was all a dream
And now I can feel the breeze
I can feel the breeze
Call me Smith
I got a will
To pursue my happiness
I'm the king of ABville
On the move
Ang'pheli gas
Lack of truth is emptiness
I know the truth
Scary facts
I don't need a record deal
Independent rap
I'm headed north
They tryna pull me south
Cause I'm sicker than the cough
From your filthy mouth
Phakamis'i khanda
I got my chest out
Bang'valela phandle
Champion stand out
Can't be at the top with me
If you scared of heights
Ntwana ku le game ngiy' gold digger
I'm after mine
I keeps it straight
Ay'zo jika, even after nine
If you wanna taste the fun
Chilla phuz'i Fanta Pine
I broke the mirror
To kill my only competition
Wanna show me competition
Better bring another mirror
You talking figures
Only way that I'ma listen
If you want AB to listen
Homie better talk figures
I'm fucking with the hustle
The money gon' come
I'm crazy with the muscle
The honey's gon' come
Boifang GP
Is who I'm repping
We doing hella fab with it
Pun intended
I held a knife on the sharp end
If that don't prove ukuth' ngib' khali, sharp then
Remember getting in is hard
Cause you gotta knock
Getting out is easy
You just open the door and walk
I couldn't handle it
All the hate I got
I just couldn't handle it
I just couldn't handle it
The fake love that they showed
I just couldn't handle it
I couldn't handle it
The rumors that I heard
I just couldn't handle it
I couldn't handle it
I just couldn't handle it
Cause it was all a dream
It was all a dream
Cause it was all a dream
And now I can feel the breeze
I can feel the breeze
Rags to riches
A walk of tears
Okay, so this is the part that I really hate
Because I have to tell you that you were right and I was wrong
And I've been upset about it for a while
But theres this warm, comforting, positive thought hit me
I'm not going to get into detail or anything
I don't want to stress myself out
But this really warm, positive, comforting thought just kind of hit me
I think an hour ago
And I'm hurting
And, yeah, I'm upset
But I really think I'm going to be okay
And I rush into things, but
This time I'm really gonna take my time
But taking your time and being careful doesn't mean you won't get hurt
And, yeah, this, I don't know, this warm, positive thought hit me
And I feel really okay with where everything is right now
I mean, we're not together anymore
But I feel really okay with that
And this warm, positive feeling will last for as long as I feed it, so
I'm just going to keep taking in everything with the sunshine coming Through the window
And the birds chirping near the trees near my window and the cool, fresh breeze
And I'm just going to take advantage of all of that
And keep feeding this positive feeling and this positive thought
Because it's really making me smile
And I didn't think I'd smile at all this week, this month, ever
But I'm really okay
Yo! word, fam
First of all
Fortune over everything - It's fire
Inani- i- hood- i- burbs life, hood mentality
It's ape food
And the single. imoto
It's just crazy
But I'm concerned now, man. I have a problem
I hope you know that you just put yourself into trouble
After dropping imoto
Because now we're expecting more heat from you
And I wonder 'kuthi uzoy' topper kanjan'i hit of imoto
Because imoto is crazy, mfana
Anyways, s'hleli lana, s'lindile Rags To Riches - the album
We're waiting