- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2021
Oh my fucking God dude
Things change, people change
Nothing ever stays the same
I wanna see you happy one day
Don't wanna see you crying all day
Life is beautiful, open your eyes, go outside you'll see what I mean
When you look up at the sky
Look around you
Breathe in
Feel it all
I know we fall
That's okay
Everybody's gonna do it one day
And you'll do it when you gotta go to your own way
You gotta move on your own days
On your own time
You're gonna get yours, I'm gonna get mine
That's how it's gonna be
We gon be fine
I know it's hard sometimes
Just keep on the steady path
Gotta believe in yourself
No one is coming
You gotta believe in yourself
Things change, people change
Nothing ever stays the same
Not even the place you're in
Cuz that changes, too, with everything
Things change, people change
And sometimes in a good way
A lot of them go through a bad way, tho
I pray for those and get on the road and go
They're not always gonna be here
But neither are you, dear
It's alright
Just take one punch at a time
You're doing just fine
You're getting your life together
You're gon be better
It's good, you weather the storms
You are better because of everything you've done
And I know you will feel like someone
One day
I know
I pray
You got it
It's yours
Alright it
I'm more than everything and you gotta believe the same
Please please
It'll get you through this life
I promise it's gonna be alright
People change
Nothing ever stays the same
Sometimes people go away
To somewhere else or to their grave
But you're gonna be okay
Not now but one day
And that's a promise, if you stick with it
You hear me?