Mai Ceto Lyrics
- Genre:Afrobeats
- Year of Release:2013
Na sami nasara
Ya bani nasara eh
Yesu dusen chetona
Na gingina gareka
Yesu dusen chetona
Na dogara garinka
Kai kabani rai
Kai ka bani wakoki
Kaikatona dani
Kai ka share hawaye
Mai ceto mai cetona mai ceto kai kadai ni zan yabi sunna ka
Mai ceto mai cetona mai ceto kai kadai ni.zan yabi sunna ka
U said to cast my cares on you
I know y ou really care for me
Of all the people in the world lord you know me by name
Am not a slave
In your house your my father am your son
Your my glory and the lifter of my head
Lifter of my head
Your my sheild my excedually great reward
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