White History Month Lyrics
- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2025
My land of liberty, where i'm the king & queen, you want the same
But didn't put in as much work as me, you come from slavery
But you have been released, i'm tired of hearing about the past &
Your misery, well since it's history, let it be history, we have a month
All to ourselves that ain't equality, you celebrate our deeds, pioneers
Kings & queen, its only right we have a month & tell yo history
Allow the record to show,that we apologizing, for our bickering &
Ungratefulness to society,should've been thankful for the civil war &
All the dying, for the right to free us colored people stead of crying
About injustice when you gave us all equality, across the nation & we
Gave ya anger & our greed/,like bout time,we done gotta month to
Celebrate & idolize minorities that fought for better days/what were
We thinking,being hypocritical in tone,hated ya segregation but do
It too like it ain't wrong,selfish group of racist we are,so quick to
Cast a stone, at the Caucasians who GOD,at least in color so/here's a
List of things that you've done,since you discovered this,vacant land
You never did harm as people & government,make sure that you
Sound the alarm,out to the pubilic,& let'em know yo due finally come
We will never forget/Cherokee trail of tears,Japanese american
Internment,Philippine-American war,Jim Crow,75 years of that
Transatlantic,slave trade,genocide of native A-mericans,the middle
Passage & black codes,racism,& financial gaps/between whole races
& a war on drugs,Klu Klux Klan, but call us thugs/slave patrols,&
The treaty of Guadalupe,Hidalgo,the southern strategy,women slaves
Raped in front of they husband whoa,Madison Grant,& the Indian
Wars,ain't close to done,we got a lot to go/this history,don't cover ya
Ears,or walk away,learn ya roots,like all white,new Jews,& the biggest
Home,of the human zoo/white flight,redlining,proposition,14
Homestead act,& Tulsa riots,& experiments,of Tus-kegee/lynching
Men in suits,so don't mention,dress code fools,now sagging,illegal too
Not for white women,who showing boobs/Hollywood,stereotypes
While gods of Egypt,is all white,rosewood,massacre,sundown towns
Were all right/Indian,appropriations acts,1924,immigration act,& Islam
Phobia,plus the Chinese,exclusion act/Emmett til,Vincent chin, Indian
Boarding schools,bacon's rebellion,King Philip's war,by Europeans
So cold & rude
My land of liberty, where i'm the king & queen, you want the same
But didn't put in as much work as me, you come from slavery
But you have been released, i'm tired of hearing about the past &
Your misery, well since it's history, let it be history, we have a month
All to ourselves that ain't equality, you celebrate our deeds, pioneers
Kings & queen, its only right we have a month & tell yo history
The comparison,of american,slavery,to the gay rights,A-rabs,Romans
& Irish folks,just ain't right/but you did it,still do it,especially,to the
Jewish, holocaust,less than 3 percent,of the time,blacks,went through
It/ain't make the gun,but you made the gun,yo source of power & kill
For fun,George Wallace,Cointelpro,in police brutality number one
Boston school,busing riots,mass incarceration of black men,for legal
Slavery through the constitution,13th amendment,as punishment,hold
The patent,& invented,aids & Ebola,for Africans,don't forget the
Shootings,church fires,& ya famous bombing in Birmingham
Assimilation to the white way,for non whites,so the white stay,the
Very standard in united states,claim heritage,only separate/but not
Housing,discrimination,& systematic,highway placement, what about
Medical experimentation shoemakers awl's,in the heads of babies,
Planned parenthood,forced sterilization,cutting babies out the womb
& the falsification,the standard of beauty only European,but Thomas
Jefferson,made mixed babies,& the whitewashing & eradication,of
Ancient Africa,so blatant,stole academy awards,from Egyptian gods
Named Asar & Ptah,that's appropriation,& the media,manipulation
Of the average black,bias & racist,responsible,for the urban myth
Its a such thing,as reverse racist/white fragility,& cannibalism
Homosexuality,private prisons/Indian,removal act,the red summer
Of 1919/compromise, of 1877,made blacks,believe in a heaven
With a white Jesus,but a dark description,in the bible scripture this
More upsetting/same Dr King,you love to quote,to black people,who
Violent so,yo government,found guilty,of killing'em,but only few know
No reparations for black people,but act like,we still equal,would you
Work for free,for black people,then still like'em,or think they decent
Probably not,cause you used our babies,as alligator bait,how inhumane
Some jaws drop,cause the truth more,hard to swallow,than a brick of cane
I wish that i,could speak more, about ya history & all the gore,atrocities
That were hard to read,but you know that February,is short