Spellbound Heart Lyrics
- Genre:Acoustic
- Year of Release:2024
I walked down towards Market Q
And I just kept walking through
I don't know what to do
Watching the fading blue
In the sky
And I've walked in each direction, trying to change my point of view
And keep a simple state of mind, and keep my two feet marching in line
Try to renounce and to resign, or whatever it is I need to do
About this spellbound heart
And you're somewhere
Maybe in Rajasthan
Wearing your amulet
I don't know how you let
It all roll by
You told me that I'd saved you, well now it's me who's calling on you
Everything seems alive these days, but alive in some sinister way
You know about recovery, I saw you push through, so I was thinking I could get your view
On this spellbound heart
Maybe you're traveling with
That Spanish kid
Who was looking for a
Place to stay about the time I
Was saying goodbye
I think he impressed you with his poetry, eccentric views, and his family line
I have to admit I too was moved by the way he looked right through me
His letter for the girl he loved in Aberdeen went right past my head and went straight
To this spellbound heart
I used to think that sacrifice
On the regular
Was just a ritual
For the spiritual and
The easily fooled
Then I saw a girl who seemed to carry something she just couldn't share
I watched her walk along the waterfront with a cold, contemplative stare
Back then, I wore a disguise of amusement in my eyes without compromise and without
Without this spellbound heart
I went about with a worldview
Of simply ignoring
Life's uncertainty
Getting comfortable
With going careful and slow
Then you so gently dissected me and placed a jewel upon my heart
Now I'd go crawling through that merciless, twisted vine for a sip of your wine
Wasn't 'til you closed me up and sent me on my way that I saw what you had done
To this spellbound heart
We sat up until 5 o'clock
And went to LaGuardia
I stood by the car and said
There goes my guardian
Into the world
Leaving me here with our memories, cluelessness, and your guiding voice
I denied that this was the end as the cold wind blew through my clothes
And even through the years, these long, trackless miles, I travel mostly by the light
Of this spellbound heart
You caught me in a trap
I'm slipping steadily
I try to turn away
I look down at my feet
But they don't move
They're going out with a ticket and bag for the early morning depart
Trying to explain to the people I pass that they can't let me get on this train
Fooled, pulled
By this spellbound heart
I'm sitting in that garden now
The one you talked about
I see the hyacinth
And hear the weeping song
Of the loon
Well ain't it just like a heart to be slow to come around?
I want to cut one flower from here. Maybe you can tell me it's name
And, seeing it in my hand, you'll see I understand the directions that you gave
To this spellbound heart
And it's just like you told me
Just like you said
Well, what's the point?
Don't have to tell you
You already know
And when I do try to speak of it, you just calmly nod your head
Guess there's no use to try to phrase what's written right there in the stars
Oh, that redeeming clause, like the morning light that one day slowly dawns