- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2024
I start my day with a coffe
Knowing damn well I'll end my life in a coffin
Ma bin le7ya w lmout ghir leqta w dayeza
Remchat l3ayn blkhaf w ana baghi n3ich 7yat so interesting you wouldn't dare to blink an eye
Lemkhayer fina tzad baki
I ain't no gangsta ma kayench tattoo fehnaki
But in my mind I believe I am worse than that
Hit f3eyniya gha ybqaw mewchomin ga3 dmou3 that I made my mommy cry
Gha ntayef gha ntayef
Ain't no way for me to get tired
Halef ma nchofch dmo3ha again tayehin
Ta yweliw dmou3 lferha
W If, I only had one wish
I wanna make her proud before she dies
Matter of fact I don't even want her to die
Ghir option li kayen
Nmoto bjouj fnefss time
Bch ta wahed ma tch3el fqelb dyalo fire
But that so so naive
Fch kont sghir
Ka ngol lwalid yechri li ga3 li bghit
I didn't get it
And I didn't get it at the time
W bla ma nhess t3elemt bli 3amerni gha nakhed dkchi li bghit in this life
But now I got it
Walidiya ga3ma qaryin
Ma qritch fmadariss ghalyin
Mais wakha hakak qarawni
Expensive lessons
And I see it a blessing
And it heals the curses they got me
We know we can try turning
Something out of nothing
But can I do it with my mess?
Ma kayench fyedi menotte
Ma 3emri cheft siloune
But in my brain cells te7besst
I can't forget the summer nights I had as a kid
Ta haja fbali mn ghir nrbe7 wlad fplay
But time kills ynessik fs7ab w the enemies
Ki bqaw ghir lmemories
Mais mchaw li blmedecines
W 3echran li bqaw li machi 3adyin
They're heaven sent
And on my momma I would for my friends
But nah
I wanna live life with em
Until we die together
And in the meanwhile I'll wait
And I got 99 problems and they're all in my head
And that's the motherfucking hundred
And cash is the root of em
W hta la tzad flcompte dlbank
Ytzado the problems
When the fuck this shit will end
I guess
This shit is like Alphabet
Aim for a K you an L
You keep going forward you might just get an M
W dmaghi time bomb qriba
Tic tic blow
W do fnafaq mkhelini ghadi
Mais khayef ykoun train in this bitch
My mom ka d3i flil ybe3do lqhab mn triqi
W db bayen liya 3lach life ma chadach triq
You know life is a bitch
And I ll be gay if I don't fuck it
Mais 7yati dafe3a 3liya kbir
Khass nmizi 3ad neqder ntouchiha
Merat ka nerje3 ledar n3eneq mimti la ma yemkench
Gha tchem fiya ri7t dokhan w gha nejre7 qelbha la yemkench
Bghatni tchofni malak bla sins
West mn 3alam dl2ins
F denya mousskha nkon nqi
Mommy ain't no way
Charit 7yati ki douzli ma bin l3in
Hedra dmi dayera 7alaqa fi wedni
B7al fch galtli"Weldi 3teq rassek"
Hessit bhaja tbedlat ldakhel
Ma fhemthach chbghat te3ni
W baqi tal db ghi ka netssa2el
W ka neqssem brab
Ma 3endi ham b7ed mn ghir lwalida hit machi aye 7ad
3liha baghi nchof west 3ayniha lfakhr
Qbel ma nssaliw west lqbar
La dert chi haja gha berdaha
W gol lzhar y3awed lkaro
Ka n7ess blmer fkol kass ka nchreb
Mn denb ka nehreb mais ra ki tbe3ni
Mn nhar 3erfoni dar mebli ma bqitch ga3 nhez 3eyni fihom bdel
W ka nbghi nssebha fderb
Mais 7ad ma 7at li haja flyed
Kbert ka n3if ri7t dokhan w db ka tchehini
W tkhayel a bro
Tkon omek omiya
T3elem lektaba gha bch t3elmek
Tkhrej mnek chi mziya
Bkatret le3ssa li klit 3la lkhat
Kol star ka nkteb mersson ki chi law7a faniya
Ka ne3ya nedwi fkola projet
W li ma ta ngolch kter mli ka ngol
W bch nkhtemha
L7olm dyali fhad l7yat kamla
Nkheli lwalid ygol"AlHamdolah ga3ma dert kabot"