ADHD Lyrics
- Genre:Pop
- Year of Release:2024
I've got A D H D
Can't remember where I put the keys
Bumping into everything in font of me
Can't stop shaking my legs and knee
Everywhere I go I drop shit
I can't find my wallet
Everything is gone because I lost it
I won't hear your commands
I do better with lists of demands
Can't stop fidgeting with my hands
Cause I've got A D H D
Can't see what's right in front of me
I keep forgetting that I have to pee
Everyday I feel like somethings wrong with me
Went to the store to get some candy
Got distracted by something dandy
Now I've got something for the pantry oh shit I forgot the candy
Now I'm stuck with my thoughts
Thinking of everything I need to do
My stomach's in knot's
I break down every step even when it's just a task or two
I Can't bring myself to get out of bed
I wish I wasn't always contemplating the thoughts in my head
Most days I wish I were dead
I've got A D H D
I can't remember what you said to me
Everytime I turn around there's something right in front me
I guess that's just the way it has to be
Thank God I found my wallet
Set it down to pick up the keys
Now I'm missing my wallet
Can someone help me please
Oh it's in my hand
I swear this wasn't planned
Bumping into something Everytime I stand
The way I act I don't even understand
I guess I've got A D H D
I wish I was better at managing me
Tried of losing everything in front of me
Maybe I need medicine to be a better me