- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2024
The Battle of Bois Caïman: Victory of 1803-1804
Nou pwemye nou se pmemye pwemye pep nwa libere
Kite melem sa pa gadem nou la nou pa pwale
Nou se vanyan nou se poto mitan yon istwa e fyète
Pa gen manti nan sa avek fòs e avek couraj se nou li ye
Nou pwemye nou se pmemye pwemye pep nwa libere
In the shadows of Bois Caïman's night
The drums of freedom beat strong and bright
The spirits called the warriors stood
With fire in their hearts and iron in their blood
Dessalines rose fierce and bold
A leader whose story was yet to be told
In 1803 under the blazing sun
The battle for freedom had just begun
Chains broken the warriors fought
With courage that could never be bought
They marched with the strength of their ancestors' cries
For the land of the free under Haitian skies
The red of their blood the black of their might
The flag of a nation born from the fight
Dessalines led with a heart of flame
And Haiti rose forever changed
Nan fènwa lannwit Bois Caïman
Tanbou libète tap bat angran
Lespri te rele gèrye kanpe
Ak dife nan kè yo fè nan san yo brase
Dessalines leve vanyan ak fòs
Yon lidè ki gen yon istwa pou ki pike tankou zikòs
Batay di san rete anba soley cho san koule
Batay pou libèter kòmanse fò zam pete kouto rale
Chenn kase gèrye yo te goumen
Ak kouraj ke yo t janm paka achte rel krier san fwen
Nou mache ak fòs kri zansèt yo te fè nou genyen
Pou tè a lib la anba syèl Ayiti dife limen
San yo rouj neg nwa ak fòs papa bondye NYAMBE
Drapo yon nasyon ki sòti nan batay sa RELE ANMWEY
Dessalines te mennen ak kè YON LIMYE KLERE AN ANTYE
Epi Ayiti leve pou tout tan chanje AN NOU CHANTE
Through battles and blood with iron and flame
Haitians united they played no game
Dessalines stood a lion so proud
To free his people he vowed it aloud
From Cap-Haïtien to Vertières' peak
They conquered the land that they dared to seek
With muskets machetes and spirits so high
They fought till the dawn lit up the sky
Victory came the French were outdone
A new nation's story had just begun
In 1804 Dessalines proclaimed
Haiti was free no longer chained
Nan batay SA san FE RIVYE ak fè ak flanm dife
Ayisyen mete ansanm yo pa t ap jwe
Dessalines kanpe tankou lyon vanyan KRAZE BRIZE
Pou libere pèp li li sèmante fòman TONNNER KRAZE
Depi Kap Ayisyen rive nan tèt Vertières NOU MACHE SOU YO
Yo pran peyi a sa yo t ap chèche avèk kè NOU METE NAN MEN YO
Ak zam manchèt ak lespri fè nan syèl NOU TOUPIZI YO
Yo goumen jiskaske dimanch leve NAN DEMEN NOU SAKAJE YO
Viktwa rive Fransè yo fini NOU FOUTE TCHWE YO
Yon nouvo nasyon ap koumanse lavi RARA PETE TANBOU AN CHO
Ayiti lib chenn kase san pale NOU MANDE AWOYO
Kite melem sa pa gadem nou la nou pa pwale
Nou se vanyan nou se poto mitan yon istwa e fyète
Pa gen manti nan sa avek fòs e avek couraj se nou li ye
Nou pwemye nou se pmemye pwemye pep nwa libere