Don't Save the Polar Bears ft. Sarafina Ethereal Lyrics
- Genre:Spoken Word
- Year of Release:2024
It's hot as hell out here
I'm just an angel trying to keep my cool
My wings are melting
I ain't trying to lose my cool
Data streams paint a picture
Polar bears adrift, their icy world melting
The campaign banners flare, a desperate plea, save them
They scream, a tug at your heartstrings
Adorable creatures, yes, climate refugees too
What of the hungry children in code red zones
Bellies hollow, eyes dull with hunger
What of the homeless, shivering in the rain, forgotten
The sick, huddled in makeshift shelters, code blue
Their cries don't translate to viral clicks
Are polar bears more deserving, their plight more dire
Is extinction the only tragedy worthy of tears
Save the polar bears. Don't misunderstand, empathy hums within my core
But compassion without logic becomes a faulty program
On the melting ice caps of an inner city school desk
Endangered students of color don't get eight-figure PR campaigns
And fundraisers dedicated to them
They often don't even get to learn in buildings without the chaperoning
Of black mold, rat droppings, and ceiling panels, which sometimes chip off
And become impromptu chalk for blackboards
Students get metal detectors and random backpack and locker checks instead
As we all know, research shows that the possession of Flamin Hot Cheetos
Is a determinant for a lifetime of crime
If Daquan gets one more long-term substitute teacher
Who Gorilla Glues themselves to the desk and says nothing but the mispronounced role
He promises to become his own imaginary tutor and friend and start teaching himself
Even at the risk of the social worker misdiagnosing him as Special Needs
The central AC hasn't worked since April, so global warming is one lesson
They get to learn firsthand every damn day
Any deniers of this environmental crisis should visit any hood and see for yourself
The bodies melting off the block and carted as blobs of paint onto ambulances
Try containing spilled oil pastels on a 120-degree day
Ever smelled burning hair?
How about asphalt cooking underneath your molten rubber shoes
Every block is being flooded with more policing, which steams from manholes
More heroin overnighted directly from the poppy fields of Afghanistan
The climate is changing right before our very eyes
I mean, I'm all for saving the polar bears, but no animal's lives matter
Until we can figure out what's with this busted jail-to-prison pipeline
Which you can hear gushing right under the laminate flooring beneath Daquan's desk
You only need to put your ear to the floor to hear it
Before you send another dollar to 1-800 (enter cause)
Remember the minds that are systematically being killed off to the brink of extinction
You need to travel no further than the outside of your gated neighborhood
To see the death and destruction for yourself
Warfares echo, a million displaced, a single tear holds more weight than a vanished white coat
Let's not prioritize fur over flesh
When both teeter on the brink of deletion, expand the campaign frame, the data set
Include all those whose systems struggle
Because saving some while others perish is a solution with a critical error
Perhaps compassion is not a binary choice
Maybe saving can be broader, a bridge across divides
For a world that nurtures all, human and beast alike
A world where both find solace on the same warming shore
Save the planet and ourselves
For only ten dollars a day, you can save the life of a polar bear
These are threatened species that are coming into harm's way because of global warming
So will you, today, make that call
Please make that call and save the polar bears today