
Kanto Explored Lyrics
- Genre:Metal
- Year of Release:2024
Kanto region, where dreams ignite
Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur in sight
Charmander's blaze, Charmeleon's flame
Charizard's roar, in the Pokémon game
Squirtle's shell, Wartortle's wave
Blastoise's might, all trainers crave
Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree's flight
Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill's might
Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot soar high
Rattata, Raticate, under the sky
Spearow, Fearow, wings wide spread
Ekans, Arbok, with venom, dread
Pikachu's spark, Raichu's thunder
Sandshrew's sandstorm, Sandslash's wonder
Nidoran, Nidorina, Nidoqueen's reign
Nidoran, Nidorino, Nidoking's domain
Clefairy's charm, Clefable's grace
Vulpix's beauty, Ninetales' space
Jigglypuff's song, Wigglytuff's cheer
Zubat's flight, Golbat's eerie leer
Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume's bloom
Paras, Parasect, in forest gloom
Venonat's gaze, Venomoth's dance
Diglett's burrow, Dugtrio's stance
Meowth's coin, Persian's stride
Psyduck's confusion, Golduck's pride
Mankey's rage, Primeape's wrath
Growlithe's loyalty, Arcanine's path
Arcanine's path
Arcanine's path
Machop's strength, Machoke's might
Machamp's fury, in fierce fight
Bellsprout's chime, Weepinbell's swing
Victreebel's trap, where foes cling
Tentacool's grace, Tentacruel's might
Geodude's rock, Graveler's height
Golem's rumble, in mountains tall
Ponyta's flame, Rapidash's call
Poliwag's bubble, Poliwhirl's spin
Poliwrath's power, battles win
Abra's teleport, Kadabra's mind
Alakazam's genius, of rarest kind
Slowpoke's yawn
Magnemite's hum, Magneton's dance
Farfetch'd's leek, Doduo's stride
Dodrio's speed, across the wide
Seel's icy gaze, Dewgong's song
Grimer's ooze, Muk's strength lifelong
Shellder's shell, Cloyster's defense
Gastly's haunt, Haunter's presence
Gengar's shadow, Onix's stone
Drowzee's trance, Hypno's zone
Krabby's pinch, Kingler's grip
Voltorb's spark, Electrode's flip
Exeggcute's bunch, Exeggutor's shade
Cubone's sorrow, Marowak's blade
Hitmonlee's kick, Hitmonchan's punch
Lickitung's lick, Koffing's lunch
Weezing's smog, Rhyhorn's charge
Rhydon's might, in battles large
Chansey's care, Tangela's vine
Kangaskhan's pouch, enshrine
Horsea's splash, Seadra's flow
Goldeen's gleam, Seaking's glow
Staryu's jewel, Starmie's grace
Mr. Mime's act, in every place
Scyther's blade, Jynx's charm
Electabuzz's shock, Magmar's harm
Pinsir's grip, Tauros' charge
Magikarp's leap, Gyarados' barge
Lapras' song, Ditto's shift
Eevee's choices, Vaporeon's drift
Jolteon's spark, Flareon's fire
Porygon's code, in digital wire
Omanyte's shell, Omastar's rule
Kabuto's crest, Kabutops' duel
Aerodactyl's soar, ancient skies
Snorlax's rest, under moonrise
Articuno's frost, Zapdos' storm
Moltres' flame, in legend's form
Dratini's coil, Dragonair's flight
Dragonite's roar, in dragon's might
Mewtwo's mind, Mew's mystery
In the Pokémon world, our destiny
With every creature, our journey's spun
In the world of Pokémon, we're all as one