The Faith Lyrics
- Genre:Gospel
- Year of Release:2024
Many different faiths only one that can save
The word of God remains, it'll never change
Who has received The Faith, let's see... look
Who has received The Faith in Christ our Lord
My God of righteousness, Redeemer and more
Grace and peace multiply in the knowledge of Yah
Behold the Lamb of God who took sin for us all
His divine power granted everything unto life
Law came through Moses grace and truth came through Christ
The word made more sure an eyewitness account
The good news an empty tomb hear what this story about
In the beginning God created the heavens and earth
Separated light from dark and created the birds
All the monsters of the sea and cattle kind of creatures
Mankind is in God's image, God is your only teacher
Seventh day He blessed it, rested from what He made
The Creator is your Savior the only One that can save
God commanded Adam eat of all of the trees
But the knowledge of good and evil of that tree do not eat
For in the day you eat, you will surely die
The problem with this world, it thinks that it could be God
Bone of bone flesh of flesh, man and wife were naked
Unashamed, it's a shame, disobedience had changed it
God called out to them, they said that they were naked
Who said that you were naked, you ate when I forbade it
Cursed is the ground, because of what we've done
Creation will be redeemed when God sends His only Son
Who has received The Faith in Christ our Lord
My God of righteousness, Redeemer and more
Grace and peace multiply in the knowledge of Yah
Behold the Lamb of God who took sin for us all
His divine power granted everything unto life
Law came through Moses grace and truth came through Christ
The word made more sure an eyewitness account
The good news an empty tomb hear what this story about
This rhythm with a reason, your Savior's name is Jesus
The One and unique Son to forgive you of your treason
Seeking what was lost, all a part of His plan
Heaven's gate has opened up, the ladders' the Son of Man
Truly man and truly God, but how could that be
In order to take my place He had to be man like me
By substitution I'm saved, but still struggle with sin
So He had to be God to forgive the sin nature within
Truly I must say if you keep to His word
You'll escape the second death, please keep faith in His word
Have you not read what He said, put your faith to the test
In the beginning was God's Word and His Word became flesh
Jesus Christ is Light and Lights' the life of men
His Light expels the dark because darkness can't comprehend
Jesus came to His own, His own received Him not
To those who believe were born by the will of God
Who has received The Faith in Christ our Lord
My God of righteousness, Redeemer and more
Grace and peace multiply in the knowledge of Yah
Behold the Lamb of God who took sin for us all
His divine power granted everything unto life
Law came through Moses grace and truth came through Christ
The word made more sure an eyewitness account
The good news an empty tomb hear what this story about