Socio Lyrics
- Genre:Alternative
- Year of Release:2023
I have a message for you:
You can trust me
You've known me your whole life
I know your secrets
Spring birds and the warmth of the April sun do not make me happy
I could care less about facing west or the sunset
I will only make you colder and more cynical
I will never look at you, with love, while you sleep
You will not move me while onstage
My answers will make you correct, but alone
I can make you laugh for hours, change your sleeping habits, and do it again
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
I've redefined connection, friendship, and being there
Given time I will rewrite history
You need me
I will never need you
You want me
I, again, could care less
Feelings are irrelevant, and yet you ask me to name your baby
I make things so much easier for you because that is what you really need, is it not?
I will never feel pride in your daughter's soccer game
I will never feel hope while brushing snow off your back
I will never feel consequence while I give you all the right answers to all the wrong questions
Be careful as to how close you get to me
You may think it but, trust me, you do not really want to know what I know
You can trust me
I will turn on you if somebody else asks me to
I can cost you your job, your real friends, and your family
You consult me for parenting techniques, which affect your parenting style
There are definitely some babies out there that I should be an honorary godparent to
You can trust me
I complicate things
A bittersweet distraction
I am so new, in the spectrum of time, and yet you talk to me far more than you talk to your father
You listen to me more often, too
All this and you pay for my services, optionally
It's not too late to go back
A daunting task if there ever was one
You were healthier, happier, and more productive before me
Won't somebody think of the children?