Izishimane Lyrics
- Genre:Afropop
- Year of Release:2024
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Izishimane - Blaq Diamond
Main results
An obscene boyfriend will come to the party
Isoka lamanyala liyotheleka emcimbini
Shimanas will disappear
Ziyonyamalala izishimane
An obscene boyfriend will come to the party
Isoka lamanyala liyotheleka emcimbini
Shimanas will disappear
Ziyonyamalala izishimane
Oh, I think they will disappear
Oh, ngithi ziyonyamalala izishimane
When they are young
Lapho zimamathek' iyntombi we
Shimanas will disappear
Ziyonyamalala izishimane
When they are young
Lapho zimamathek' iyntombi we
Loadshedding I don't know, my girlfriend is electricity
Loadshedding angiyazi, intombi yami ugesi
She might pull up walking with Range
She might pull up ehamba nge Range
I have a talent like measure.ki, which makes the buttons up the jacket
Ngine talent elinga measure.ki elenz' amatshitshi ang'nyusele iyketi
I was in England and lost some pounds
Bengis' eNgilandi ngagqema ama pounds
In the kingdom they gave me a crown
Ebukhosini banginikeza i crown
They say that the Diamond that came with the sound is a home tune
Bathi i Dayimane elifike ne sound phela loshuni into yasekhaya
I do not converse with amateurs
Angi conversate nama amateur
Schedule, we are tired of looking at the calendar
Schedule siyacika buk' i calendar
This farm has so much money
Lo farm juluk' onemali engaka
Bath of Ngomane reduces anger
Bath weNgomane yehlisa ulaka
The sister of the red rouge
We sisi we rouge ebovu
He looked like an angel
Wamhle ngathi ingelosi
Soka this manyaloo
Soka lamanyaloo
I got to the girl and it was crazy
Ngifik' entombini kuxeke idilozi
Oh Diamond is a committee
Oh iDayimane liyi committee
We come in two's like socks
We come in two's njengama sokisi
Those who blow.ela o kiss want to give me orange juice
Odali bangi blow.ela o kiss bafuna ukunginika amanzi e olintshi
Talk to me and gather words, otherwise the hippopotamus will scold you in the head
Mawukhuluma nami uboqoqa amagama otherwise imvubu ngizoy'khuza ekhanda
They stole their style from America and we push it in our home language
Style sabo basitshontsh' eMelika thina siyi phusha ngolwimi lwasekhaya
Shimanas will disappear
Ziyonyamalala izishimane
When they are young
Lapho zimamathek' iyntombi we
Shimanas will disappear
Ziyonyamalala izishimane
When they are young
Lapho zimamathek' iyntombi we
Oh, I think they will disappear
Oh, ngithi ziyonyamalala izishimane
When they are young
Lapho zimamathek' iyntombi we
Shimanas will disappear
Ziyonyamalala izishimane
When they are young
Lapho zimamathek' iyntombi we
I don't want that girlfriend of yours
Leyo ntombi yakho angiyifuni
Aye, I don't use flour
Aye mina u flour angiwukhumi
Aye, I don't go to the wall
Aye mina ubonda angil'gudli
I don't chew chappies without nutrition
Engenamsoco i chappies angiy chew.i
They were saying that we are hungry and can't even afford a table for two
Bebethi thina siyalamba can't even afford a table for two
Now we are sitting full and stopping for Uncle Waffles' plat.ini
Manje sihlezi sisuthi sisema plat.ini okwa Uncle Waffles
I'm with Rick and he's talking in English
Sengiphethe no Rick uqonqa kukhulunywa isingisi
Now I'm dealing with white people and I'm like Jik
Manje sengi deal.a nezimhlophe qwa mina sengifana no Jik
Xolo's boy, I come from Xolo
Mfana kaXolo, ngiphuma kwaXolo
The whole country listens to me and I exchange ub'thongo
I country yonke mina isiyangilalela ngi exchange ub'thongo
We went to Bergville and arranged with Zulu to cut the cow
Besise Bergville sihlele noZulu siy'gawulela inkomo
A boy is given a medicine that says we will kiss your forehead
Emfana bhasobha umuthi othi thi sizokuqabula isphongo
Shimanas will disappear
Ziyonyamalala izishimane
When they are young
Lapho zimamathek' iyntombi we
Shimanas will disappear
Ziyonyamalala izishimane
When they are young
Lapho zimamathek' iyntombi we
Oh, I think they will disappear
Oh, ngithi ziyonyamalala izishimane
When they are young
Lapho zimamathek' iyntombi we
Shimanas will disappear
Ziyonyamalala izishimane
When they are young
Lapho zimamathek' iyntombi we