Ovie (refix) Lyrics
- Genre:Gospel
- Year of Release:2023
Ovie Mę o (My king)
Ovie Mę o (My king)
Alpha Omega, I bring you my praise
Ovie Mę o (My king)
Ovie Mę o (My king)
Alpha Omega, I bring you my praise
Eke kuvwe mi kuvwe kęvwę (I will always give you praise)
Eke kuye mi kuye kęwę (I will always give you praise)
Udu r' akpǫ kese bru vwe rę (I will not be afraid of this world)
Agbada gbururu, you are (You are a great God)
Ǫbe r' otakpǫ ruru (The leave that's enough to cover the whole world)
Ǫbe r' otakpǫ ruru (The leave that's enough to cover the whole world)
Alpha Omega, I bring you my praise
Ǫmę vwę y' omęvwę (I am that I am)
Amrę vwo jevwe (No one compares to you)
I am that I am, no one compares to you
Udu r' akpǫ kese blu vwe rę (I will not be afraid of this world)
Udu r' akpǫ kese blu vwe rę (I will not be afraid of this world)
Ǫmię mię Ǫghęnę mę (My God is sweet)
Ǫmię mię Ǫghęnę mę (My God is sweet)
Ovie Mę o (My king)
Ovie Mę o (My king)
Alpha Omega, I bring you my praise
Me naze no te kowę ujiro Ǫghęnę mę (I have come to praise my God)
Fi kiǫ eware Igbunu wo ru komę (For the great things you have done for me)
Me ye rowę do (I appreciate you)
Me ye rowę do (I appreciate you)
Me ye rowę do (I appreciate you)
Fi kiǫ eware Igbunu wo ru komę (For the great things you have done for me)
Me ye rowę do (I appreciate you)
Eme me wo rǫ kpę howę (What can I use to praise you)
Eme me wo rǫ kpę howę (What can I use to praise you)
Fi kiǫ Igberu wo sinǫ aro mę (For the obstacles you removed from my way)
Aromę o' rovie (My path is brighter)
Mętę ruę elo Ǫghęnę (I saw the light of God)
Aromę o' rovie (My path is brighter)
Fi kiǫ Igberu vwo kporo n' aro mę (For the obstacles you destroyed from my path)
Aromę o' rovie (My path is brighter)
Ovie Mę o (My king)
Ovie Mę o (My king)
Alpha Omega, I bring you my praise
Ovie Mę o (My king)
Ovie Mę o (My king)
I am that I am, no one compares to you