On the Day You Were Born Lyrics
- Genre:Rock
- Year of Release:2023
On the day you were born
Reclined on soaked bed
Air in air out
Breathe breathe
Hoo hoo
Hoo hoo
Lamaze-trained lungs bunched up like dirty socks
On the top of your underwater cocoon
He: repeating, Keep it up, honey. You're doing great. Keep it up
Sweat drops pounding down his neck
"OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGod" thoughts running marathons
Shut up!
You're the one who did this to me!
She burns inside and
He blows outside
Your home shriveled sack of saran wrap
Folds down on you
Like a collapsing tent
Your hands push like poles
Trying to preserve your temporary shelter
I feel it moving
Push, honey. Push
Your safety harness tied securely and
You're ready to repel
You wait
Doctor: Now you have to push harder
I'm pushing as hard as I fucking can!
Give me some drugs! I need drugs!
Inject long spike full of peanut butter fuzzies
Up the back
Down the spine
In the legs
Good warmth comes in your belly and
Fills you with wooly cotton
You sit from light headedness
You're ready to sleep
You're ready to slide
The slippery slope of the narrow cave
It massages you with pink strokes
You giggle a mouthful of fluid
Towards the soft yellow
Shake out of
Blood and water and life
On the day you were born
The morning sun awoke and smiled on the world
Mother Earth turned a pirouette and danced among the solar
Gravity found you and held you close
The world rose to greet you on your birth day
Flowers of purple, violet, green open their faces to greet you
The Arctic-frozen terns
Bumpy humpback whales
Pacific-flavored salmon
Multitudinous monarch butterflies
Busy garden warblers
Grassy-colored turtles
All congregated and voiced the news of your birth
The white eye of the moon traveled forward to witness your first night
The stars winked a million hellos
The oceans and seas and lakes and rivers all flowed forth and back, forth and back to wave greetings and washed beaches clean for your footprints
Tiny droplets of condensation vanished forming white and gray clouds to rain drops of newness over your new home
The wind blew soft kisses over the Earth to catch you on the cheek
People wrote songs
Played music
Performed death defying acts
Won lotteries
Made love
Read words of beauty
Composed poetry
Hugged their children
Held hands
Whispered good morning
Said good night and
Thanked God
On the day you were born
I was a child
Full of happy thoughts of the moment
Calloused not by unfulfilled hopes of the future
Regretting nothing for I had no past
I was a child
Playing outside under warm sun on the front lawn with friends
Catch! Throw it to me! Tag! Freeze! Hurry someone go under my legs! Hurry! Hurry! Unfreeze me!
I was a child
Eating peanut butter and jelly and butter sandwiches cut into fours with the crust cut off
Watching The Wizard of Oz and
Singing Follow follow follow follow follow the yellow brick road
I don't understand where to but I'll follow
I was a child
Sitting with the babysitter
Reading The Littlest Angel
With feet barely hanging over the sofa made of gray tweed
Laughing high and loud
I was a child
Sleeping on mommy's bed
No lights on
Thick black covering everything
I laid awake and thought
Someday I too will be old like mommy and daddy
And have to go to work
And have little boys like me
I hope I'll have someone to play with and who will be my friend
I hope I'll find someone who loves me as much as mommy and daddy
I hope when I'm a daddy I'll find a good mommy to love the little boys like me
I was a child
And I hoped
On the day you were born