1 Peter 5:7 (Anxiety) ft. Pinstrype Kouzin Lyrics
- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2023
As far as your job man
I understand that feeling
Like, when you think like
Pssh man shh
I'm all good you know what I'm sayin
This ain't nothing but a breeze
And then
The monkey wrench get thrown into the operation
And you like
Hold Up
Then you gotta pivot and make adjustments and stuff like that
So I I get it man
Just keep your head up
You know
And like you said
You just don't want to succumb to the anxiety
I think we kinda talked about that a little bit
The same day that I had talked to you about spending time with Nadia
It's just like
Fear is a good thing to have
But you want to have it in moderation
Fear is just instilled in you so you respond
In a way that's appropriate to get yourself out of a situation that you're really in danger
But sometimes
We'll project fear into things that fear isn't really
It's just not necessary to have in that situation
And sometimes we psyche ourselves
We be fearful and anxious and nervous about what's to come in the future cause
We don't know
And then we'll do things
Where we kinda sabotage ourselves
Or compromise ourselves out of really potentially good situations
Or a good state of mind
And that could've possibly just been what it was
You know
Playing the game and reeking and pulling your hair out over it
When all in all
Like you said
God's just telling you
Just be still
Just be still
There's nothing wrong
There's a time for it
There's a time for everything
Yeah, there's a time for you to be up and grinding and running around
And doing this, that, and the third
It's a season for that
But it's also a season where you just need to sit down
Just be
And just be aware
You know
And that might've been that season
But I think the beauty behind it is that
As we get older
And as we experience these things more and more
It's to be conditioned
So that we can recognize ahead of time
Ok, I know that
I feel like I should be doing this thing
But it would probably be best for my spirit
Or my mind
To just wait
You know what I mean
Just to wait it out
And see what happens
But again
Life works in pulses
So it's a time to inhale
It's a time to exhale
But, yeah man
I love you too
And I'm glad y'all played that show
And was able to travel
And y'all had traveling mercies and everything man
You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers
And I'm grateful for y'all too man
Just uh
Keep your head up
Keep your relationship with God and yourself 100