A Cry for Help (Interlude) Lyrics
- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2023
Mhm Exactly
And that kind of goes along the lines of what I was saying earlier
It's like as a man especially a black man
I see so many of us neglecting our emotions
The world tells you
You're supposed to deal with whatever it is quietly
And never show you know never express and never feel those painful emotions
Society never expects a man to cry and when you do it's seen as weak
My father told me something at a very young age that I'll never forget
He said it's not weak for a man to cry real men do
It's not weak to have emotions and to know that you need help
To me it's weak to know that you need help and be too afraid to ask for it because of what the world will think
Now don't get me wrong there's a lot of power in being able to control your emotions
Rather than letting them control you
But the more I live the more I've come to realize you can never fully control your emotions
Without first allowing yourself to fully feel those emotions
You absolutely must experience the pain fully and express it some fashion
I feel like we're just always expected to walk around like we're ok when we're not
Ask for help allow yourself to feel that pain
Don't try to numb it ok don't try to avoid it because experiencing pain in this life is inevitable
It's out of our control
But how you respond is all that you really can control
When you spend your life numbing and avoiding every little ounce of pain you feel you begin to fear pain
The next time a painful situation comes around you get scared
You become afraid because you don't want to get hurt again
Ultimately it hinders you
Feel that pain and express those emotions before ever trying to control them
I'll tell you a story
I remember being at one of the lowest points in my life and in the end God brought me through of course
But this is how I knew it was bad
During this trial while I was experiencing all of this pain
I remember times sitting alone in my car where I wanted to cry
Where I wanted to cry so bad
And I just couldn't because I'd gotten so use to holding everything in
Let it out