(SOTN) Lyrics
- Genre:Metal
- Year of Release:2022
Die Monster you don't belong in this world
It was not by my hand that i am once
Again given flesh
I was called here By humans who
wish to pay me tribute
Tribute You steal men's
Souls & make them your slaves
Perhaps the same could be said
Of all religion
Your words are as empty as your soul
Mankind ill needs a savior such as you
What is a man A miserable little
Pile of secrets But enough talk…
Have at you
Four years after Richter's
Victory over Vlad
It disappears His sister-in-law
Maria is looking for him
Not knowing where to start
Castlevania appears from the fog
As if pointing the way so
She decides to enter it and
Continue looking for it
The coincidences are orchestrated
By Dracula's servant Shaft who
Takes Richter's mind and makes
Him believe that he owns the castle
This makes the forces of evil take advantage
But something happens that they did not count on
Alucard that written backwards is dracula
Is the main character of Symphony of the Night
Son of Dracula himself
He unlike his father does
Not hate humans since he
Had the same feelings as his mother Lisa
Who before dying told him
Do not destroy humans
Alucard in a state of hibernation from which
He wakes up due to the mismatch in the forces
Of good and evil
And without knowing
What is happening in the castle
Enters it Taking those
Last words as an upright
Flag and giving himself the nickname
Alucard in this way begins the epic story
Of Castlevania Symphony of the Night