One Day Long Ago by Taiye Gabriel Lyrics
- Genre:Gospel
- Year of Release:2023
For mine eyes have seen thy Salvation
Which thou has prepared before The face of all people
A light to lighten the gentiles and
The glory of thy people Israel
One Day Long Ago in Bethlehem Of Judea
A Saviour Christ was born
One Day Long Ago in Bethlehem Of Judea
A Saviour Christ was born
And lo, there came the angel and the glory of the Lord shone
They were so afraid and the angel Said fear not
For behold I bring good tidings of Great joy which
Shall be to all people
One Day Long Ago in Bethlehem of Judea
A Saviour Christ was born
One Day Long Ago in Bethlehem of Judea
A Saviour Christ was born
For unto you is born this day in The city Of David
A saviour which is Christ the Lord
And this shall be a sign to you
You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger
One Day Long Ago in Bethlehem Of Judea
A Saviour Christ was born
One Day Long Ago in Bethlehem Of Judea
A Saviour Christ was born
And suddenly there was with the Angel
A multitude of the heavenly host
Praising God and saying glory to God in the highest
And to the earth be peace and goodwill towards men
One Day Long Ago in Bethlehem Of Judea
A Saviour Christ was born
One Day Long Ago in Bethlehem Of Judea
A Saviour Christ was born