- Genre:New Age
- Year of Release:1969
Thank god my dear
Cause you know that I'm lookin' up right here
Bout To Say Oh my god can you please hear
Everything that I'm saying
No I don't know what the fuck I am
Fucking Saying
Even though that I know that I am a
Fucking Legend
I just got all my lives
And You Know
I got to spend it
On that Geico Shit
And you know that I just need to turn green quick
All I Don't care about Is A Night
With a Nice Switch
Like A Lightning Bug
And you know that I need it
Cause I just got to find my way back
On this empty track and you know how I'm just gonna rewrite that
Cause when I go out in the fucking night
And I Find All Those Fuckin' Blinking' Lights
In the Back Of My Eyes
When I close my mind
And You know that I'm Just Gonna
Realize Sometimes
That the moon doesn't fall every night
And That's Alright
That's alright with me
That's alright with me
Oh No
And I know that I just be like Han Solo
Comin In The Falcon
Whether Not You Wanna Fuckin Be Astounded
All my love all my life, and I'm Drowning.
Got my own fucking Mayans - I'm surrounded
Although the lights and they're comin in, truly bright
Either way, I just think ya knew I'm gonna lose my mind
Cause I don't want to be
What do you mean
What do you Mean
Where's That Green
What do you Mean
Are ya lean
What do you Mean
Why ya Mean
What do you Mean
All that mayhem
Comin at you again
Causing You to Fucking Spin
In All Your Heads
Where are your friends
All my friends are fucking dead in their beds
I need to take my time to learn how to fucking rhyme right
And you think you know whether Not They're
Gonna Be right, Right
Go ahead and find the night light
Of Your Own Fucking Thoughts
And The Truths
Oh. Wait