7riggered Lyrics
- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2022
mix by painboidontneedluv
Too many fake babe
U got me so drunk
When u under my d
U say u never feeling like dis
I am chill pull it all in d late night
I don't need no rest
Shooting like popgun
Let me getting pass
U should feeling da harder
Better than ur ex
Skipping on ur waters
When I kiss ur lips
Too mach pain da u will gave to me
U don't need no equations
U don't need da equations
I real need u
I can't get love da bad moods around me
U don't need no equations
U don't need da equations
I real need u
When u say
In other world
I star for the
But now we
我喜歡她的味道的確tasty(she smell tasty)
她脫下我的外套under my feet(she take off my hoodie)
我像莎士比亞勾勒她的美麗(I sketch her beauty like Shakespeare)
她說我是無法逃脫的(She said I couldn't escape)
早已掌控我的脈搏(I have already controlled my pulse)
像是剛摘下的花朵(Like a flower just picked)
Stop calling me
U the only one 4 me
I know u want me 2 making Luv 耍些可笑的把戲(Play some funny tricks)
Open another wine u so hot 讓我欣賞你的body(Let me appreciate your body)
U don't need no equations
Babe don't be nervous
Just F it off
We get chills and 2 the end
Too mach pain da u will gave to me
U don't need no equations
U don't need da equations
I real need u
I can't get love da bad moods around me
U don't need no equations
U don't need da equations
I real need u
把你變成lil pet(Treat u like a lil pet)
Be mine
Thats right
快使出你的本領(Show your skills)
Get hight
Riding on my d
我不會(I can't)
我太過著急(I was too worried)
怎麼都解不開你性感的bra(You can't get rid of your bra)
Feeling so hot
我拔不開 cant stop(I can't pull it out)
你像只飛蛾(You're like a moth)
找尋我的火苗(Find my flame)
不停 撞(Keep bumping)
絕不回頭(Never look back)
I got what u need
U will never see
你溼透等著我撫摸你 慢慢open up
I know u want me 2 making L 耍些可笑的把戲
Open another wine u so hot 讓我欣賞你的body
U don't need no equations
Babe don't be nervous
Just F it off
We get chills and 2 the end
Too mach pain da u will gave to me
U don't need no equations
U don't need da equations
I real need u
I can't get love da bad moods around me
U don't need no equations
U don't need da equations
I real need u