Across The River ft. Sam Glaser Lyrics
- Genre:Pop
- Year of Release:2007
Come with me across the river
Far across the great divide
Come with me across the river
To the other side
Pack up your things and go
To a land that I will show you
For no other reason than to join me on this journey
Into the great unknown
Where mysteries await you
You've got too much to give to live your life alone
Come with me across the river
Far across the great divide
Come with me across the river
To the other side
Open your heart and soul
And watch the magic happen
There's not a single thing your dreams cannot deliver
I am the pot of gold
That lies beyond your rainbow
I may be far away or right under your nose
It's up to you
Lech l'cha meyartzecha
Lech l'cha mimolad'tcha
Lech l'cha mibet avicha
El ha'aretz asher arekka