J.E.S.U.S (Alphabetical exaltation) Lyrics
- Genre:Spoken Word
- Year of Release:2011
Give me a J
Jesus is, Jehovas joy
Jewish jewel
Judah's justifier
Jubilantly judge and judiciary
Give me an E
Emmanuel established eternally
Everlasting to everlasting
Exalted expressively
Exalted extravagantly
Exhibiting examplary empathy
Eternally exclusive exponent evoking
Explosive excitement everywhere
Euphoric emphasis epitomizing Elohim
Give me a S
Salvation specialist,
Selfless sacrifice
Systematically sensational
Shattering seven seals
Scriptural Son spirit
Sowing sacred seeds
Sympathetic souls soother
Scriptural sharpshooter
Sweet smelling savor sanctifying sacred saints.
Give me a U
Undeniably unequalled
Unsearchable, unspotted, undefeated
Universally unmatched
Undefiled and unfailing
Uniquely unlimited
Uplifted usher of utopia
Give me a S
Shepard, seeking, saving scattered sheep
Sea stroller
Satan stomper
So stunningly stylish
Superhumanly sublime savior
Sacred special star superior
Superb, sublime sun surpassing
Supernova splendor
What is His name?