Chatta (TZ)
Chatta's career began at the age of 13 with the name YOUNG MTAMBO. he was a part of a group called "POSITIVE CREW / WATATA" established in 2012 with his school friends. They released several tracks and later he went to solo artist.
Chatta released his first single "SEMANAO" featuring R-six in 2012,
In 2015 chatta meet with his friend Rapcha and join the new group BORNLATE MUSIC GANG (B. M. G)
, Chatta released several solo and duo tracks with Rapcha.
Chatta has already released couple songs and a mixtape titled MAN OF THE MATCH, He is now under preparation of his EP after the success of his latest single "Amekubali’’ Featuring Maby...more
Listen to Chatta (TZ)’s new songs including "Unachezaje ft Joga Beat", "Mapenzi", "Kinomanoma" and many more. Enjoy Chatta (TZ)’s latest songs and explore the Chatta (TZ)’s new music albums. If you want to download Chatta (TZ) songs MP3, use the Boomplay App to download the Chatta (TZ) songs for free. Discover Chatta (TZ)’s latest songs, popular songs, trending songs all on Boomplay.
Chatta (TZ) Biography
Chatta's career began at the age of 13 with the name YOUNG MTAMBO. he was a part of a group called "POSITIVE CREW / WATATA" established in 2012 with his school friends. They released several tracks and later he went to solo artist.
Chatta released his first single "SEMANAO" featuring R-six in 2012,
In 2015 chatta meet with his friend Rapcha and join the new group BORNLATE MUSIC GANG (B. M. G)
, Chatta released several solo and duo tracks with Rapcha.
Chatta has already released couple songs and a mixtape titled MAN OF THE MATCH, He is now under preparation of his EP after the success of his latest single "Amekubali’’ Featuring Maby
Comments (3)
New Comments(3)
Evangelist Du Christ
Chatta Bingwa
Good and smatr songs vvvvvn mmmmm bbbbbbbb ccccch nnnnny jkkkkk jjjkkk jjkllll nnnnnnn
FAQs about Chatta (TZ)
Where is Chatta (TZ) from?
He is from Tanzania.
How to download songs of Chatta (TZ)?
You can download songs of Chatta (TZ) from Boomplay App for free.
Firstly, install Boomplay app on your mobile phone.
Secondly, navigate to the song you would like to download.
Thirdly, Tap on More > Download.
I.AUSC New Artcle Title: The Science"1177"of The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ on Tuesday October15th, 2024 at 1:59'a.m. II.SERMON:Read from the Holy Bible in Genesis2:1-3&Exodus20:1-17&James2:10-13:1Day=1000Years Psalms90:4&2Peter3:8 giving 6000Years+1000Years Cosmic SABBATH=7000Years for1Full Cosmic Week&2nd Coming of Jesus Christ for End of Earth in 6000Years is happening in 2024 To begin 1000Years Cosmic SABBATH of Hebrews4:1-16,Revelation12:17,Revelation13:3-18,Revelation14:9-12,Revelation15:1-8,Revelation18:1-5,Revelation20:1-15&Jesus will Come on Tuesday October 15th,2024+1000Years Cosmic SABBATH=3024 Hell Comes at 7000 Years Full. III.SOURCE:Take,Read&ShareTheLink&Screenshot[Open Letter toAll beloved PresentTruthPreachers Worldwide.Link:( )]. IV.PRAYER:Dear My Almighty God Holy Father in Heaven,Forgive thisPerson,Give Your Holy Spirit to thisYour Child/Person1John3:1-24 to understand thisYour Last 3rd Angel's Loud Cry Message Warning toNever Dare toRestToWorship SUNgod"SATAN"SundayRestByLAW"Mark of The Beast Jesuit POPE Francis=ClimateSundaysLockdowns" but to Accept&Believe in the Luke6:5&BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST to Refuse&reject SATAN's Image&Number of ThePAPACY[SARS-CoV-2-mRNA"666"'Microchip'Poison(Covid-19Mask,Test&Vaccines)]in order to be free to Repent,To Remember The 7th Day Sabbath To Keep It Holy in order to Divorce From All Demons,As theEnd of Life on thisEarth isNear in2024 through the7Last Plagues(February15th,2024UntilOctober15th,2024 at1:59'a.m)of Revelation16:1-21 to do not die in SIN,Quit SATAN today to live togetherWithJESUS CHRIST in Your Soon Coming Eternal Life in HEAVEN2024&NEW EARTH3024,in CHRIST JESUS NAME I PRAY,AMEN.Isaiah28:1-29&Romans12:1-21&Matthew24:15-31. V.WISHES:May Our Almighty God Bless You&Yours All.Amen. VI.AUTHOR: Dr.Bandora,MD,MG. E-mail: [email protected], Rwanda-EastAfrica. VII.WEBSITE:[].