Moments with Kanjii Mbugua
Kanjii Mbugua is a Kenyan gospel artist. In 1997 he was selected as Kenya’s Youth Ambassador to the world and in the process gained a diploma in conflict resolution and a world tour. On his return to Kenya, he joined Real Music School for voice lessons with Joseph Hellon. Kanji enrolled at Biola University, where he studied music and vocal performance, studied contemporary music in Musicians Institute in Hollywood and audio engineering / music business at Dallas' SoundLab. In the US, Kanjii reconnected with some of his childhood friends, and went on to form the music group Milele. Milele record three, albums Forever, Level Up and Afrique leading to a good number of chart-toppers, including “Forever”, “Sanjolama”, and “Turn it Around”. Though a seasoned producer, Kanjii does not consider himself as one, and is rather modest in explaining that he does what needs to be done with the gift of capturing and actualizing visions....more
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Moments with Kanjii Mbugua
Kanjii Mbugua is a Kenyan gospel artist. In 1997 he was selected as Kenya’s Youth Ambassador to the world and in the process gained a diploma in conflict resolution and a world tour. On his return to Kenya, he joined Real Music School for voice lessons with Joseph Hellon. Kanji enrolled at Biola University, where he studied music and vocal performance, studied contemporary music in Musicians Institute in Hollywood and audio engineering / music business at Dallas' SoundLab. In the US, Kanjii reconnected with some of his childhood friends, and went on to form the music group Milele. Milele record three, albums Forever, Level Up and Afrique leading to a good number of chart-toppers, including “Forever”, “Sanjolama”, and “Turn it Around”. Though a seasoned producer, Kanjii does not consider himself as one, and is rather modest in explaining that he does what needs to be done with the gift of capturing and actualizing visions.
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Margaret mwikalim010@gma
Gem connoisseur
nice vocals great message
Tally Sallim