Focus: Afro B
Ross-Emmanuel Bayeto or Afro B is a British DJ, singer and songwriter known for his hit song "Drogba (Joanna)", which peaked at number 23 on the US Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay chart and led to the creation of the "Drogba Challenge". He also coined the term "Afrowave", a "fusion of hip-hop, dancehall and Afrobeat melodies"....more
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Focus: Afro B
Ross-Emmanuel Bayeto or Afro B is a British DJ, singer and songwriter known for his hit song "Drogba (Joanna)", which peaked at number 23 on the US Billboard R&B/Hip-Hop Airplay chart and led to the creation of the "Drogba Challenge". He also coined the term "Afrowave", a "fusion of hip-hop, dancehall and Afrobeat melodies".
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Lawal Aweda
i have a song to suggest on this playlist
Very nice
Afro B