Spelling Bee Lyrics
- Genre:Kids
- Year of Release:2022
Come let me see, I'll try you all
Whatever age, both great and small
How well you know your ABC
Come, let us form a Spelling Bee
Some to the right will please to go
Some to the left, all in a row
Now let me see what you can do
And spell for me Bick-i-bi-bo-bu
B A Ba, B E Be, B I bickibi, B O Bo
Bickibibo B U bu, bickibibobu
All very good, the task is plain
Quite a success, we'll try again
Keep to the text, whatever you're about
They who shall fail must be drummed out
Mind as you go, your P's and Q's
No second chance, it's all no use
Come now again, we'll try anew
Now spell for me Tick-i-ti-to-tu
T A Ta, T E Te, T I tickiti, T O To
Tickitito T U tu, tickititotu
V A Va, V E Ve, V I vickivi, V O Vo
Vickivivo V U vu, vickivivovu
Z A Za, Z E Ze, Z I zickizi, Z O Zo
Zickizizo Z U zu, zickizizozu