- Genre:Hip Hop & Rap
- Year of Release:2022
I Listened to the sheep and all I herd was stupidity
Feel the preacher speak felt the humility
Everything's a con we're locked up
And they won't let us out
Sheep and scapegoats cluck bollocks Dixie chicken sound
Sheep are followers its ironic we want more to follow us
Even if it's some chances are you'll always follow one
A great culling a bag of sheered humans gone stale
You all get wool packs like Emmerdale
Stockholm syndrome we look up to our capturers
They always flatter us and then they flatten us
Police state sheep face on freeze frame
Generations of trauma
The Truman show plays
CCTV cameras in operation for your security
Controlled by the corporation
Massive Ice walls or electric fences
Frozen limits never spark an exit
How to keep sheep mass suppression who's the Shepard The snakes the spots the leper's refuse the reverend
The people farms countries are pens the borders are gated
Where humans grow apart and are harvested for cheap labor
Charming flute play a rundown of our aggy culture
The farming food chain picked on by some gammy vultures
The sheep are humanity that's us imitating reality
Flock to theme music barking mad
Yh we're penned in a fallacy
I see the sheep dogs a policeman with his leash off
Murder at call of the crows serve us hate protect the mob
Plus army units for a special op News reports at ten o clock
Keep us all in check if we wander off
Call in the Shepard's the politicians celebrities etcetera
Their roles in this metaphor is to keep the sheep together
Control the outlook with minimal effort
Make you believe that you don't own a perception
Then there's the farmers billionaires royals and armers The world is their resource we're a product they farm us
So who owns the land where we're slaughtered
Mega corps children of wrath with
The black stone ornaments
How to keep sheep mass suppression who's the Shepard The snakes the spots the leper's refuse the reverend
The people farms countries are pens the borders are gated
Where humans grow apart and are harvested for cheap labor
It's all a mind game experimenting with our level week
A test of our subservience and dependence
The grooming of our children hacking in to their dreams
So when the time comes they'll walk off the cliff
Like the rest of the sheep
Become woolly jumpers
I'm a wolf with a sewing kit
Rise for my son shine on a field of mist
Cream of the crop nurture the growing pit
Unlock your mind then I'll show you how to open it
You patients need testing their testing my patience
Gullible patrons succumbing to manipulation
Baa baa dumb sheep your voice isn't favored
Another baby lamb seasoned for the flavor
Wait on a gate that never opens and when it does
We forget about trust and follow hopeless
Settle down where we're told to an offence to jump
The only conclusion say goodbye to the old ewe